Monday, May 18, 2015

Flowers and Creeks and Trees, Oh My!!!

Bonjour, dear readers!!!
   My grandma is here for a visit, and yesterday after church we decided to go on a hike. And since I was severely lacking in the blog inspiration for this week, I thought I'd share some pictures!
   We live in Northern Idaho, which is a truly beautiful place! And we took this really great trail that had a lot of gorgeous spots and sights.

Here's this little bridge that was in the path. We came across a few, but I really liked this picture. :)

I took a TON of pictures of the trail since my sincere hope was to use one of them for a new blog background. This was going to be the one. But it is not wanting to cooperate with me. *Growls* Maybe later....

Here's a centipede/millipede bug thingy-ma-jigger my brother found. On a side note, I am sooooo happy with how well my camera focuses on things. :D

Wild strawberry plant flower. I took a lot of flower pictures, so... Yeah. xP

Anudder flower. I also took a lot of pictures of white flowers. Hem...

A hole in a tree with ants in it. I don't know why, but I thought it was cool!!!

This really strange plant thing in the trail.

Some itty bitty flowers that took me FOREVER AND EVER to get my camera to focus on!!!!!!!! My brother and grandma were waiting for me, patiently at first, but a little less so after a few minutes of me silently holding my camera up to a tiny flower....

Wild clematis. 

White flower.

Another white flower that took me forever to focus on!!!! But I'm so happy with this picture now. :D

A pretty creek picture!! I always feel like there should be little fairies sprinkled around the forest in my area. But alas, there never are any. *Sighs*

For those of you who have never been to Northern Idaho, this is what the forest looks like. All of it. It's green and bushy and thick. So very, very thick....

Another picture to exemplify it's thickness. 

And a picture of the lake we were by!!! Beautiful, isn't it?? 

Well, now that I've made you all want to come visit Idaho, it's time for me to say goodbye. But first...
   If all goes according to plan, I should be halfway through my book in two weeks from today. And I told you guys I would share an excerpt at that point!!! So, for those of  you who are looking at this from Pinterest and know who my characters are and have a vague idea of what my story is about, then I'm going to let you choose what kind of scene you would like. 
   You can either have 
   A. A Brutan and Breeta scene that I think is rather sweet. 
   B. A funny/sarcastic scene between multiple characters
   C. A fun Training scene
   D. A serious moment between Brutan and Loorarc

So, what would you like?? And if you're reading this and you have no idea what I'm talking about, you can check out my storyboards over at my Pinterest . All of these characters and the story that they're in can be found on all boards with the heading "Northworld" or "Shadow's Bane". The excerpt will be taken out of the first part of "The Secret Key", since that's all I have written so far, haha!! Go ahead and think about it and tell me what you think!!

Thanks for taking the time to read this!!


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