Sunday, July 26, 2015

"Broken But Still Good" (A Big Hero 6 Fanfiction)

Hey all!!
   How's your week been?
   I went shopping with my mom a few days back and bought my first pair of Converse. And, I, I'm so happy about it I had to tell you all. I just love them so much... *Cradles shoes to chest*
   But yeah. I said I would have a fanfic for you guys, and a fanfic I do haz. This one does require a bit of explaining though.

I have no idea how to make a fanfic cover....
   This takes place in the "Family of Two AU" of Big Hero 6. Which is basically Tadashi and Hiro's parents die a little later on in the story, so the brothers are a little older. Tadashi is actually old enough to become Hiro's legal gaurdian, and that's exactly what he does after the car accident that kills their parents. And so he's basically struggling to support them and they're both just trying to survive and all of this sad junk. But then Hiro gets into bot-fighting. And he gets arrested a few times. And then he gets taken away and put into the foster care system. And yeah. Even sadder.
   That's where my story begins.
   But first, here's a link to my pin of the headcanon made by murphy-starr on tumblr that inspired all of this. (That's a bit of a tongue twister). You can find it here.
   And now, I will share my fanfiction with you all. It's not too long this time, haha! XP

Broken But Still Good
BH6 Fanfiction

Hiro pressed his face up against the window,watching the world go by at what felt like a snail's pace.
  Can't this car go any faster?? He wondered, gripping the edge of the window so hard his knuckles turned white.
  They'd had to make the visitation for 5:00 in the evening so Tadashi could make it after work. Hiro had tried to keep himself busy during the day, but the wait had nearly killed him. He would sit down to work on his homework or tinker on a project, but find himself unable to do anything except stare at the clock hanging over his tiny desk. And stare. And stare some more. Until he was ready to drive himself back to his and Tadashi's apartment and forget waiting.
  "You doing alright back there, Hiro?"
  Hiro's gaze darted to the rearview mirror, where he could see Mr. Mamoru's eyes peering curiously back at him. He gave the anxious boy a warm smile that Hiro gave a weak attempt at returning.
  "Yeah," He muttered, looking quickly back at the scenery rushing past him. If he remembered right, the park was somewhere on this street. They'd be there any minute.
  Of course, he could be wrong. He hadn't been to this park since he was little, back when his mom and dad were still alive. After the accident, Tadashi was always too busy to take him. But that might have changed eventually, except that Hiro had messed everything up. He just had to go to that last bot-fight. He told himself they needed the money, that no cops were going to come. Boy, was he ever wrong.
  Blinking away the burn in his eyes, he crossed his arms over his chest. He was tired of messing up. There was no way he was ever going to...
  The gentle squeaking of brakes and the swift turn of the car broke through Hiro's thoughts. He sat up as far as he could, seat belt snapping against his chest in protest. There was the rusty old playground equipment, the two swings, the park bench.... And Tadashi.
  Hiro unbuckled his seatbelt and put his hand in the door handle.
  "What are you doing?!" Mr. Mamoru demanded as the door swung open. He pressed his foot down on the brake, but Hiro had already jumped out.
 "Give us a minute!" Hiro shouted as he ran down the parking lot. He leaped over the curb, heart racing, breath coming in short gasps.  
  Tadashi looked away from the playground he had been aimlessly staring at towards the commotion. When he saw the short figure stampeding towards him, nearly tripping over his shoelaces, hoodie flapping in the breeze, messy hair flipped out of his face, he turned completely around.
  Hiro ran straight into the open arms of his brother. The force of his landing nearly knocked Tadashi over. He planted his green Converse a little firmer in the grass, letting out a strangled chuckle.
  "Hey, Hiro." He choked past Hiro's stranglehold on his neck. Hiro responded by gripping his brother even tighter and burying his face into Tadashi's shoulder.
  They held onto each other for a moment, soaking in the other's company that they had both missed so desperately over the last two weeks.
  Tadashi pulled away from the embrace to speak and to catch his breath.
  "So, how's it been?" He asked with a smile. Hiro shrugged, keeping a tight grip on Tadashi's shoulders and his gaze on the ground.
  "What's that supposed to mean?" Tadashi demanded. He tried to get a look into Hiro's face, but his black mane of hair kept it hidden.
  "N-nothing," Hiro stammered. Tadashi's eyes narrowed as he watched his younger brother chew nervously on his lower lip.
  "If the Mamoru's haven't been treating you right..." He said, beginning to rise from his position on the grass with steely eyes set on the Mamoru's car.
  "Nonono, they have!" Hiro protested. He pulled his brother back down before he could finish getting up."They've been really good to me, I swear."
  Hiro had finally looked up. Tadashi could see the honesty in his eyes, though his focus was more on the tears that were swiftly filling them.
  "Then what's wrong?" Tadashi asked, brow furrowed in concern.
  Hiro shook his head silently and blinked away the moisture.
  The last thing Tadashi wanted to do was push his little brother and make him angry. Not after everything he'd been through already. So he decided let Hiro's unwillingness to speak slide this time.
  "Why haven't they come out here?" He asked, gesturing to where Mr. Mamoru and the social worker waited in their cars.
  "I told them to give us a minute."
  Tadashi smirked."You told them, huh? Didn't ask nicely or anything like that?"
  Hiro glanced back up at his brother, a smiling lifting his lips. "I told them as nicely as I could."
  Tadashi snorted. "Yeah, of course you did."
  He looked quietly into the face of his younger brother for a moment, wanting to tease him about how long his hair had gotten and tell him that he looked taller or ask him why he looked so tired. But he didn't say any of this.
  "The apartment sure is quiet without you." He muttered.
  Hiro's smile disappeared. He sighed heavily, removing his hands from Tadashi's shoulders and shoving them into the pockets of his hoodie. He glanced up at Tadashi through his thick eyelashes.
  "Yeah, well, life pretty much stinks without you."
  These words felt like a punch to the gut. Tadashi swallowed, unable to wrench his gaze away from his little brother's sad eyes.
  "Hiro... I am so sorry. After everything you've been through, I should have, I should have tried harder. I should have known what you were doing, I should have done-"
  "Stop, Tadashi." Hiro's quiet but firm voice silenced the flow of words. He looked away from his brother again.
  "None of this is your fault." He whispered. Tadashi blinked.
  "Hiro, don't be ridicu-"
  "I'm not!" Hiro exclaimed, gaze shooting back up to his brother's. "The only reason I got taken away is because of how stupid I am."    
  "Wait a minute." Tadashi held up a hand to silence him. Hiro acted like he didn't even hear him.
  "I could have stopped going bot-fighting and none of this would have happened. I could have! But I liked it. It was fun and exciting, and it gave us some extra income. I thought I could dodge the police, I thought I could keep you from finding out. I didn't want to stop..."
  Hiro grabbed two fistfuls of his hair, his face twisted with emotion.
  "Everything fell apart so fast. I, I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to tell you, but then police came and..."
   His voice broke. A tear ran down his cheek followed swiftly by a second. He bit down on his lip, struggling to control himself. He hadn't planned on breaking down like this. But he really hadn't slept much the past two weeks, and this nightmare really was all his fault...
  Before Hiro realized what was happening, Tadashi wrapped his arms around his little brother and pulled him back to his chest.
  Hiro tried to pull away, but Tadashi's hold on him was too tight.
  "What are you doing?" Hiro questioned.
  "I'm not letting you do that." Came Tadashi's muffled reply.
  "Do what?!"
  Why did his brother have to be so confusing sometimes?
  "I'm not letting you blame yourself."
  Hiro snorted out a laugh. "It's all my fault! Who else do you want me to blame?"
  "No one."
  Tadashi pulled away just enough to look Hiro in the eyes. They were red-rimmed, confused, angry, guilty.
  "It was my fault too."
  Hiro opened his mouth to protest, but one look from Tadashi kept him quiet.
  "You might have been the one to do the actual bot-fighting, but I'm your legal guardian. More importantly, I'm your big brother. I should have done whatever it took to get you to stop. Even if it meant me losing a couple nights of sleep or taking a few days off of work. So you can't take all of the blame on yourself."
  Hiro's wide eyes stared into Tadashi's, a thousand emotions flitting across his face. After a moment, he heaved a shuddering sigh and nodded.
  "I guess you're right." He whispered.
  A grin lifted the corners of Tadashi's mouth.
  "Of course I am, knucklehead." He said, vigorously rubbing his fist on the top of Hiro's hair. Hiro shoved his hand away, a faint smile growing on his face.
  The sound of two car doors slamming shut turned the brother's attention to the approaching forms of Mr. Mamoru and the social worker. Their time was almost up.
  "Are we going to have to do this forever?" Hiro asked quietly. His pleading gaze burned into his brother.
  "No," Tadashi replied confidently. "There's no way I'm going to let them keep you for that long. But we're going to have to wait a little while to get everything figured out. You think you can do that?"
  Hiro nodded. "I won't give up on you if you won't give up on me."
  Tadashi chuckled. "Sounds like a plan."
  The two brothers rose up from the ground to meet the two approaching figures, ready to take on whatever challenges in front of them. And willing to wait as long as it took for their family of two to be restored.

   Thank you all for reading!!! It really means a lot. :) And comments and suggestions are suuuuper appreciated. Since no one else has ever read this fanfic just like the last one I posted.
   Probably for the next 2-3 weeks I'll be posting pictures of our trip to the coast. I think it'll be mostly pictures so I'm not overloading you all, hehheh. And I won't be posting all of the 1000+ pictures I took on said trip since we would be here a lot longer than two weeks.
   Until then, have a wonderfilled week! :D


P.S. Here's a bonus illustration for my fanfic.....

I don't know why I post art anywhere. Look at this disaster.
  And a bonus-bonus illustration of an angry sick Hiro..... (Why is this turning into an art dump? Why can't I stop drawing Big Hero 6 stuff??)

And I'm done now. :)

Monday, July 20, 2015

Character Interviews Week 4: Naraneel

Hello, hello!!
  How are you today? I hope you're doing well. Very well indeed. :)
   But here we are at the last week of character interviews!! Wow! This final week's character is Naraneel. And yes, this post is late. Again. For that, I am truly sorry. But it got late last night, and I'm trying to get over a little cold. Sometimes you just have to stop and say I'll finish it later, because I am going to bed RIGHT NOW. But here's the post, and here's the weekly picture:

  Yeah, um, it's extremely pathetic, and it doesn't do him justice, and there's a glare, and it somehow took on more of a cartoon-y vibe than I usually have in my pictures. (H-how did that happen?!) *Mutters* But this is the only picture I currently have of Naraneel, so... 
   Let us begin our final character interview!

Me: Good day, Naraneel!
Naraneel: *Smiles cordially* Good day. 
Me: You're doing well, I hope?
Naraneel: I am, thank you. And how are you today?
Me: Oh, well, I'm doing just fine. Thank you. Are you ready to get started?
Naraneel: Absolutely.
M: Alrighty.
   What is your full name? And do you have a nickname?
N: My full name is Naraneel Balent Frawn. *Chuckles* I have many nicknames. But my most common one is Naran. 
M: Good job. Next question. 
   What is your hair and eye color?
N: My hair is dark brown. *Smiles* People have actually called it dirt brown before. 
M: Really?
N: Yes, really. There's a funny story behind that, but there isn't time to tell it here. And my eyes are dark blue, to answer the rest of your question. 
M: Ah. You're being very cooperative so far. 
N: I'm glad to hear that.
M: *Smiles gleefully at character* Here's the next question.
   What kind of distinguishing facial features do you have?
N: I have a scruffy beard. And rather large ears. But aside from that, there's nothing I can think of. 
M: You're ears aren't big. 
N: *Laughs* I've always thought they were/ 
M: Well, I disagree with that. Let's see what's next....
  Do you have a birthmark and/or scars? Where are they located?
N: I have yet to find a birthmark. But I do have a few scars in various places.
M: And how did you get those? 
N: *Shrugs* Through different fights and battles and other things like that. Some by doing crazy things with my brother that I wouldn't recommend repeating. 
M: *Laughs* 
   Who are your friends, family and those closest to you? Who do you wish was closer to you?
N: I have a lot of "friends", you might say. I am privileged to have a few good, close ones though. Like I said earlier, I have a brother, and he has a son. And my father and mother died awhile back.
M: I'm sorry to hear that. 
N: Oh, it's alright. They both lived good, long lives. The Redeemer was ready for them to come home, so that's where they went. 
M: *Smiles softly* It's so nice to have that assurance. 
N: Yes, it is. And there are always people I wish I was closer to. 
M: Interesting answer. Now, let's see what's next...
   Where were you born? Where have you lived since then, and where do you call home right now?
N: Well, I was born in...
M: Wait!
N: *Looks questioningly at writer* 
M: Let's not mention where you were born. How about we just move on to the other part of the question?
N: That's fine with me. I've lived all over Northworld since the time I left home. And right now... *Chuckles* I'm still living all over Northworld. 
M: Haven't found a place to settle down yet?
N: No, I suppose not. 
M: Good answer. 
  Where do you go when you're angry?
N: *Smiles* Those are as varied as the places I live. I usually go somewhere quiet, to think over what made me angry and why. 
M: Another good answer. And now we're getting into the hard questions... 
   What is your biggest fear? Who have you told this to? Who would you never tell this to? Why? 
You don't have to be very specific about the first part. No one before you really has. 
N: That doesn't surprise me. I know what they're all like. But to be honest, I have a lot of fears. A lot of very real fears. I've told them to a few people, mostly the good close friends I mentioned earlier. *Laughs* There are a lot of people I wouldn't tell my biggest fear to. 
M: Ah yes, I'm sure. 
   Do you have a secret?
N: *Laughs again* You were right. It looks like we have reached the hard questions. Yes, I do have a secret. More like a lot of secrets. Do I have to tell what they are?
M: If you weren't being so wonderfully cooperative, I might make you. But you are, so no. You don't have to tell me. 
N: *Smiles* Thank you. 
M: The next one is...
   What makes you laugh out loud?
N: Hmm... That is kind of a hard question, when you think about it. I laugh at a few things. Silly things that normal people probably don't laugh at. 
M: Like...?
N: Simple things that I used to take for granted. Like children when they're continually prattling on about something, or those occasional moments when you really connect with someone and you're having a grand time with them. Those are my favorite things to laugh at and be happy about. I hope that makes sense.  
M: It makes sense to me. *Grins*
    Have you ever been in love? Have you ever had a broken heart?
N: I've been in love once. A long time ago. Yes, I've had my heart broken plenty of times. 
M: Thank you for being honest.
   What kind of food do you have right now? What's on your bedroom floor? On your night-table? In your garbage?
N: I have a lot of different kinds of food. Somethings from places outside of the Ten Isles, somethings from inside. On the floor of the ship cabin that is currently my bedroom, I have some clothing, some maps, some parchment, a few chests. On my night-table I have some parchment, a few books, some quill pens, a few bottles of ink. In my garbage I have a lot of paper and old crusty bits of food. 
M: Yuck...
   What shoes are you wearing right now? What do you usually wear?
N: That's an odd question. 
M: *Mutters* Not with someone like Brutan. 
N: That's a very good point. Right now I'm wearing boots. Normally I wear boots, but sometimes I'll wear sandals or something else. It all depends on where I'm at. 
M: Alright.
   When you think of the kitchen in your house,(or whatever kitchen you happen to be using at the time) what smell do you associate with it?
N: *Chuckles* Again, this depends on where I'm at. I mostly think of heavy spices. 
M: Do you spend a lot of time in the East. 
N: Yes, I do.
M: Okay. I think we're almost done, by the way. 
    You're doing an intense cleaning of you room. What is easy for you to throw out? What is difficult for you to part with? Why?
N: I could stand to get rid of a lot of the junk I carry with me. *Sighs* But there are a lot of little things that I would have a hard time getting rid of. 
M: Anything specific?
N: Oh, just silly sentimental things that have no apparent value. There's an old piece of ribbon, and an old worn journal to name a few. 
M: I understand what you mean. I have a lot of things like that. *Smiles*
   What do you do Last-day at noon?
N: I try to relax and think over the week. I try to remember what went well with it and what didn't and how I could have avoided or prevented that. Of course, that doesn't always happen, but I try my best to do it whenever I can. 
M: That's a very good idea, Naraneel. 
N: Why, thank you. I can't take any credit for it, though. A good man I once knew told me about it, and I took it from him.
M: Ah. Good to know.
    What is one strong memory that has stuck with you from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?
N: Ahh... That would be the day Zaien came to the Village. He was the one that started me on the path I'm on today, that told me the beginnings of what I needed to know. I don't think I can ever forget seeing him step off of that ship and onto the dock, head held high, eyes glowing with knowledge. His arrival changed my life forever.
M: *Blinks* Wow. That was an excellent answer. Th-thank you. 
N: *Grins* You're welcome.
M: Ahem. What's next on the list... Oh! This is the last question!
   You're getting ready for a night out. Where are you going? What do you wear? Who will you be with?
N: I might be going to meet with a merchant or some other person who could help me in my travels. I'd wear something nice, practical, presentable. I would likely be going with my close friends, along with whoever told me about this new person in the first place. So we've reached the end of this interview?
M: Yes, we have. Before you go, I would like to try and express just how much I appreciate how cooperative you were. *Laughs* No one else was, so it really means a lot.
N: I always try my best to cooperate with people. Especially with people who have power, such as yourselves. 
M: Ha, I guess I do have power. But really, thank you for agreeing to do this. 
N: Thank you for letting me. I had a nice time spending time with you and the readers. *Smiles at writer and readers*
M: I certainly had a nice time with you as well. Have a good day, Naraneel.
N: Same to you. Wamareck.
M: Wamareck.

Tada!!! We're all finished!! Wowzers, thanks for sticking through all of these with me. Before I start in on the little series about our trip to the coast (which I'm planning on making much smaller than I had originally intended for all of your sake's, haha), I was thinking I miiiiight have a fanfic to post next week. That is, of course, if I manage to finish it in that time. It should be relatively short, and it's another Big Hero 6 fanfiction. Yes, another one. A day may come when I get over that movie... But it is not this day. 
   So, yeah. And on a side note, I've been slowly writing this six part Merlin fanfiction for the last few months or so. Would anyone be interested in reading that? Or is that just too much, hehheh.... 
   Again, sorry this is late! Hopefully that won't happen anymore. And thanks again for reading! Farewell, readers.



Monday, July 13, 2015

Character Interviews Week 3: Loorarc.

Heyloo readers!!
   Ah yes, here we are at our third week of character interviews. I don't know about y'all, but I've had a lot of fun writing these. It's kind of a nice change of pace from trying to subtly insert all of these character threads into the story to just, er, saying it. If that makes absolutely any sense...
   But yeah. This week's character is Loorarc. He is Brutan's good friend and hope you all enjoy learning about him because heisoneofmysweetbabies,okay.
   *Clears throat* This is an old picture, and I don't really like it, but the other one I drew.... No. Nonononono. So here it is.

Okey-dokey! Let us dive directly in to this thing with out further pomp and to-do.

Me: Hello Loorarc!
Loorarc: *Tips head and smiles a little* Hello.
Me: Are you doing alright today?
Loorarc: Yeah.
Me: Okay. That's good, that's good. You ready to start?
Loorarc: I'm ready.
Me: *Smiles* Great. Here's the first question...
   What is your full name? And do you have a nickname?
L: My name is Loorarc Varquery. My nickname is Rar.
M: Who calls you that?
L: ... What do you mean?
M: I mean, who calls you Rar? Your friends, your family?
L: Well, um, everyone kind of does. Loorarc is a bit of a mouthful, you know. *Stares at writer*
M: I know, I know. I still like it though. Next question.
   What is your hair and eye color?
L: My hair is black and my eyes are blue.
M:  What color of blue?
L: I, I don't know. Is that even one of the questions? *Tries to take paper from writer*
M: *Wrenches paper away* It's not, but I thought the readers would like to know. Now, what shade of blue are your eyes?
L: I guess they're kind of a light blue. Is that better, oh Great Writer?
M: *Glares* Yes, it is. Next question.
   What kind of distinguishing facial features do you have?
L: Apparently my light blue eyes.
M: *GrowlsAside from that, Loorarc.
L: *Smirks* I don't think I have anything. But does the writer disagree?
M: No, I do not. You're about to have a bruise the size of my fist on your cheek, though. Let's move on.
   Do you have a birthmark and/or scars? Where are they located?
L: Um, no I don't have either.
M: You do have a birthmark somewhere though, right?
L: I probably do...
M: Yup. Now let's see...
   Who are your friends, family and those closest to you? Who do you wish was closer to you?
L: My friends are Brutan and, um... A few other people. I have my mother, Caressa, and my sister, Neena. I don't really wish anyone was closer to me.
M: Are you sure?
L: Uh, yeah. I am.
M: Okay, okay.
   Where were you born? Where have you lived since then, and where do you call home right now?
L: I was born in the Village. I've lived there my entire life, but right now... I'm not sure where I call home to be honest.
M: That's a good answer, Rar.
  Where do you go when you're angry?
L: I, I don't know. A lot of places.
M: Name a few.
L: I go to the forest sometimes. I might take a walk... It just kind of depends.
M: Alright. Good enough.
     What is your biggest fear? Who have you told this to? Who would you never tell this to? Why?
L: Wait just a minute. You didn't say there were questions like this on here.
M: I didn't think I needed to.
L: Why is that on here?
M: ...Because this questionnaire is for the readers to get to know you better. And this question will help with that. So, go ahead and answer it.
L: No.
M:  Excuse me?
L: I don't want to answer it.
M: *Moans and buries head in hands* Please just answer it.  Please.
L: What's your deepest fear?
M: *Looks up*  What?
L: I said, what's your deepest fear?
M: *Stares at character*
L: Not so fun when you have to answer it yourself, is it?
M: *Grunts* Fair point. You win, Rar. You don't have to answer this one.
L: Thank you. Now what's next?
M: Umm...
  Do you have a secret?
L: You can't be serious.
M: Oh, come on! This isn't that hard! Just answer yes or no.
L: Fine. Yes, I do.
M: *Mumbles under breath about stubborn, ridiculous characters* Here's an easier one.
    What makes you laugh out loud?
L: Umm... I don't know, Funny stuff, I guess...?
M: That's not gonna work.
L: Well then... If you tripped on something I would laugh. Hard.
M: *Blinks* I don't believe this.
L: If anyone tripped over something I would probably laugh. So don't feel too bad.
M: I think you'd like slapstick comedy.
L: What kind of comedy?
M: Slapstick. It's kind of like people tripping over things and doing crazy and hysterical stunts. Things like that.
L: Okay. I believe I would.
M: Next question...
   Have you ever been in love? Have you ever had a broken heart?
L: I've never been in love.
M: And?
L: And what?
M: *Sighs* Have you ever had a broken heart? You've got to answer the whole question.
L: *Shrugs* I don't know.
M: *Slams fists against table* Will you just give me an honest answer?!?!?!?
L: Alright, alright! Yeah, I've had a broken heart. Does that make you feel any better?
M: *Sighs again* I'm sorry, Rar. I shouldn't have yelled at you.
L: It's fine.
M: No, it's not. I'm really sorry, okay?
L: *Smiles a little* Okay. It really is fine, though.
M: *Smiles back* Whatever you say, I guess... Let's keep moving on.
   What kind of food do you have right now? What's on your bedroom floor? On your night-table? In your garbage?
L: Food? I don't really know. *Grins* That's my mother's job. And I've got a lot on my floor. There's a lot of clothes, and... Just a bunch of stuff really. Same with my garbage. There's some paper and other things you'd normally find in there.
M: Alright.
   What shoes are you wearing right now? What do you usually wear?
L: Right now I'm wearing a pair of black boots. I actually don't really wear anything but boots, to be honest. At least I wear more than one of pair of boots, unlike someone I know...
M: *Grins* That is a good thing. A very, very good thing.
   When you think of the kitchen in your house, what smell do you associate with it?
L: *Thinks* Rashaberry pie. My mother really does make the best rashaberry pie I have ever eaten. And it always makes the kitchen smells so good. *Smiles wistfully*
M: That sounds good.
   You're doing an intense cleaning of you room. What is easy for you to throw out? What is difficult for you to part with? Why?
L: I wouldn't really have a difficult time getting rid of anything. There, there are a few things my father gave me that I would never give up.
M: Of course. We're nearly finished, by the way.
L: Thank the Redeemer...
M: For Millie's sake, you and Brutan...
   What do you do Last-day at noon?
L: Hmm...Sometimes I wander around. I might take a walk in the forest. I'll probably be more likely to be Training or eating lunch at that time.
 M: Good answer.
   What is one strong memory that has stuck with you from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?
L: Can I skip this one too?
M: No Rar, you can't. You can choose any strong memory from your childhood. It doesn't have to be the strongest one.
L: *Sighs* Alright. One of my strongest childhood memories is when I shot my first negla in the forest. My father took me hunting one evening, neither of us expecting to get anything... But there it was. A negla just a few paces away, practically begging one of us to take it down. So my father let me. I, I really think that was one of the best moments in my life. *Chuckles sheepishly*
M: *Smiles fondly at character* Here's the last question!
  You're getting ready for a night out. Where are you going? What do you wear? Who will you be with?
L: Uh, I'd probably be forced to wear my dress clothes. And I'd probably be going to a banquet, with a bunch of Learners and my family. 
M: You guys don't get out much, huh? 
L: *Blinks* What's that supposed to mean? 
M: Nothing, nothing. Well Rar, we're all finished!
L: I can't believe I survived that. 
M: *Rolls eyes* It wasn't that bad. 
L: Whatever you want to tell yourself. *Grins* I guess I'll talk to you later, oh Great Writer. *Bows mockingly* 
M: I guess so, oh Impossible Character. Thank you for being mostly cooperative. 
L: Not a problem. *Waves awkwardly at readers* Wamareck everyone. 

Whoo!! That took me an unexpectedly long time. And it's late, so I hope it's not too horrible and that you enjoyed yourself a little. Next week's interview is with Naraneel, and it's the LAST ONE!!! So I hope to see you all there. Have a wonderful week!


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Character Interviews Week 2: Breeta

  Agh!! This is late! I am so sorry! I sat down to write this post last night, and my internet refused to work. It was pretty late, I hadn't finished drawing the character picture for this week, so I made the decision to just do it tomorrow. So here we are!
   To start, here's my drawing of Breeta:

   I had a whole different picture I was going to be posting, but it WAS NOT WORKING. AT ALL. So I had to start over last night. ((Weee....)) Which is the reason it is so messy.

Well then, let's jump into this!

Me: Readers, meet Breeta!! *Smiles widely at character*
Breeta: *Smiles widely back and waves enthusiastically at readers* Hi everyone!!
Me: How is the day treating you, Breeta?
Breeta: Wonderful! I've had a really great day. And how about you?
Me: I'm doing wonderful as well. Are you ready to get started with this character interview?
Breeta: Oh yes!! I've been looking forward to this since you told me about it. Let's get started!
M: Alrighty then. Here's the first question:
  What is your full name? And do you have a nickname?
B: My full name is Breeta Valliny Kap. Um, I don't really have any nicknames. A few of my friends call me Bree sometimes, but that's about it.
M: That's right.
   What is your hair and eye color?
B: My hair is red and my eyes are green. Well actually, my hair is more of a dark auburn color. *Plays with strand of hair*
M: Yes, it is. It's wavy, too. Now let's see...
   What kind of distinguishing facial features do you have?
B: Freckles! *Giggles* I have a lot of freckles.
M: You have big eyes, too. And a little button nose. And a huge smile.
B: I guess I have those too. *Smiles*
M: *Smiles back*
   Do you have a birthmark and/or scars? Where are they located.
B: Well, I don't have any scars. And I have a birthmark on my elbow. *Holds up elbow*
M: Huh. Interesting. I didn't know that... Well then, let's move on
   Who are your friends, family and those closest to you? Who do you wish was closer to you?
B: Well, my best friends are Brutan, Gvenney and Dramduel. I'm actually an orphan, so I don't have any family that I know of. And there are a few people I wish were closer to me.
M: Like who?
B: *Laughs nervously and shrugs* No one in particular, really.
M: *Narrows eyes at character*
B: *Fidgets nervously but remains silent*
M: Humph. Next question.
   Where were you born? Where have you lived since then, and where do you call home right now?
B: *Laughs again* I don't know where I was born. All I know is that one of the Sea Traders brought me to the Village on their ship, took me to the Memorial Orphanage, and that's where I've lived ever since.
M: Good answer.
  Where do you go when you're angry?
B: When I'm angry? *Giggles* I don't really know. I guess sometimes I go up to the orphanage roof. But I go there all of the time, so I don't think that really counts.
M: I think it does. Though usually, you give everyone a piece of your mind when your mad, then you leave unashamed with your head held high. Am I right?
B: *Smirks* That's right. So I don't usually need to go anywhere to let off my anger.
M: *Grins and shakes head* Oh, Breeta... Onto the next question. Hehheh, this is a good one.
    What is your biggest fear? Who have you told this to? Who would you never tell this to? Why?
B: *Blinks* Deepest fear? Well, haha, I'm not sure.
M: Come on, Breeta. It's okay. *Smiles reassuringly*
B: *Shrugs and rolls eyes* *Puts on smile* I really don't have one.
M: I think you forget who you're speaking to. I did write you, remember that.
B: Well then, you know I don't have one. Don't you? *Raises eyebrow*
M: *Runs fingers through hair* For Millie's sake, why can't I get any of you to answer these silly questions?! If you refuse to tell the readers what your deepest fear is, please kindly answer the rest of the question.
B: *Grins* I can do that. I've told some of my friends my deepest fear. I wouldn't really want to tell it to a stranger though. *Glances apologetically at the readers and writer* Sorry!
M: *Sighs* I understand. Let's see what's next...
    Do you have a secret?
B: *Thinks* You know, I don't really think so. I'm a pretty open girl.
M: *Mutters* Pretty open about things except for your deepest fear.
B: Yup. That's right.
M: *Snorts*
   What makes you laugh out loud?
B: Lots of things! *Giggles* I'm a pretty happy girl, too!
M: *Grins* That you are.
    Have you ever been in love? Have you ever had a broken heart?
B: Oh, not really.
M: About which? Being in love or having a broken heart/
B: Both.
M: More lies, Breeta? Really?
B: Whaddya mean? I've never been truly in love with anyone, and, and I've never head a broken heart before.
M: Breeta, come now. We've all had a broken heart before. Maybe not over a lover, but over something. Right?
B: *Slowly nods* I suppose that's true. I have had a broken hear, thent.
M: What have you had a broken heart over?
B: Wait a moment. That wasn't part of the question.
M: That is irrelevant. I am the writer, and thus you have to obey me.
B: *Smirks again* Oh, really?
M: *Rolls eyes and shakes head* Who am I kidding, you guys never listen to me... Let's move on.
   What kind of food do you have right now? What's on your bedroom floor? On your night-table? In your garbage?
B: The food we get at the orphanage depends on the season. But we usually get vegetables, and a lot of food from Gvenney's mother. On my bedroom floor, I have... *Begins counting on fingers* Lots of clothes, some bags, some paper, lots of books, a rug, a little chest, and I think that's it. On my night-table I have even more books. And in my garbage? Mostly paper. I think they're might be some food in there as well.
M: Nicely done.
   What shoes are you wearing right now? What do you usually wear?
B: Weeelll, right now I'm wearing a pair of little brown shoes. I usually wear shoes like this, sandals, or boots. But I prefer to go barefooted.
M: Hehheh, me too. *Smiles*
   When you think of the kitchen in your house (or orphanage), what smell do you associate with it?
B: Hmm... Warm, fresh bread and cheese. And sometimes stew to go with it.
M: Yummy.
    You're doing an intense cleaning of you room. What is easy for you to throw out? What is difficult for you to part with? Why?
B: Oo, I don't think it would be easy for me to get rid of anything, actually. I have a strong emotional bond with everything I own *Grins*
M: You certainly take after me more than I care to admit.
    What do you do Last-day at noon?
B: *Sighs wistfully* I like to sit on my spot on the Orphanage roof and read a good book. Or watch all of the people as they walk by. Or take a trip to the Market and get some dinner, or take a walk through the forest. I like to do a lot of things at that time.
M: It's a good time to do things. We're nearly finished, by the way.
B: Oh! I was really enjoying this!
M: *Grins* I'm glad you are!
   What is one strong memory that has stuck with you from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?
B: *Considers* I really think the night I first sneaked out of the orphanage window and looked up at the stars has really stuck with me. I just really love the stars, and, and I like to think about where they come from and why they're there, and to just think about life in general. And that night was the first time I really got to do that.
M: Good answer, Breeta. And we've reached the last question! Here it goes.
   You're getting ready for a night out. Where are you going? What do you wear? Who will you be with?
B: Sounds like fun! Welp, I'm not sure where I'd be going. Probably somewhere with the rest of the Learners and Brutan. I would definitely be be wearing something fancy. Probably my green, red, and brown dress. So, that was the last one?
M: *Nods* Yes, it was. Thank you for agreeing to do this, Breeta!
B: Oh, thank you for asking me! I had a TON of fun! And thank you, readers! *Waves to readers again* I hope to see you all again soon! Wamareck, everyone.
M: Wamareck, Breeta.

And thus our second week of character interviews is concluded. I hope you all enjoyed getting to know Breeta a little bit. Next week we have Loorarc, and after that there's only one more left!
   On that note: as I said last week, my family and I went on vacation to the Washington coast. And it was AMAZING. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I loved it. But I thought I would have a pretty good shot at it if I did another blog series on it. This series would include A BLESSED TON of pictures, some thoughts and words and humor, and EVEN MORE PICTURES. This is going to happen the week after my last character interview, and will take up a few weeks. I might do different posts in between (some of which might include a fanfic...?), but I might not. I'm just gonna kind of wing this one.
   But it is time for me to leave! Have a wonderful week, readers!