Monday, July 20, 2015

Character Interviews Week 4: Naraneel

Hello, hello!!
  How are you today? I hope you're doing well. Very well indeed. :)
   But here we are at the last week of character interviews!! Wow! This final week's character is Naraneel. And yes, this post is late. Again. For that, I am truly sorry. But it got late last night, and I'm trying to get over a little cold. Sometimes you just have to stop and say I'll finish it later, because I am going to bed RIGHT NOW. But here's the post, and here's the weekly picture:

  Yeah, um, it's extremely pathetic, and it doesn't do him justice, and there's a glare, and it somehow took on more of a cartoon-y vibe than I usually have in my pictures. (H-how did that happen?!) *Mutters* But this is the only picture I currently have of Naraneel, so... 
   Let us begin our final character interview!

Me: Good day, Naraneel!
Naraneel: *Smiles cordially* Good day. 
Me: You're doing well, I hope?
Naraneel: I am, thank you. And how are you today?
Me: Oh, well, I'm doing just fine. Thank you. Are you ready to get started?
Naraneel: Absolutely.
M: Alrighty.
   What is your full name? And do you have a nickname?
N: My full name is Naraneel Balent Frawn. *Chuckles* I have many nicknames. But my most common one is Naran. 
M: Good job. Next question. 
   What is your hair and eye color?
N: My hair is dark brown. *Smiles* People have actually called it dirt brown before. 
M: Really?
N: Yes, really. There's a funny story behind that, but there isn't time to tell it here. And my eyes are dark blue, to answer the rest of your question. 
M: Ah. You're being very cooperative so far. 
N: I'm glad to hear that.
M: *Smiles gleefully at character* Here's the next question.
   What kind of distinguishing facial features do you have?
N: I have a scruffy beard. And rather large ears. But aside from that, there's nothing I can think of. 
M: You're ears aren't big. 
N: *Laughs* I've always thought they were/ 
M: Well, I disagree with that. Let's see what's next....
  Do you have a birthmark and/or scars? Where are they located?
N: I have yet to find a birthmark. But I do have a few scars in various places.
M: And how did you get those? 
N: *Shrugs* Through different fights and battles and other things like that. Some by doing crazy things with my brother that I wouldn't recommend repeating. 
M: *Laughs* 
   Who are your friends, family and those closest to you? Who do you wish was closer to you?
N: I have a lot of "friends", you might say. I am privileged to have a few good, close ones though. Like I said earlier, I have a brother, and he has a son. And my father and mother died awhile back.
M: I'm sorry to hear that. 
N: Oh, it's alright. They both lived good, long lives. The Redeemer was ready for them to come home, so that's where they went. 
M: *Smiles softly* It's so nice to have that assurance. 
N: Yes, it is. And there are always people I wish I was closer to. 
M: Interesting answer. Now, let's see what's next...
   Where were you born? Where have you lived since then, and where do you call home right now?
N: Well, I was born in...
M: Wait!
N: *Looks questioningly at writer* 
M: Let's not mention where you were born. How about we just move on to the other part of the question?
N: That's fine with me. I've lived all over Northworld since the time I left home. And right now... *Chuckles* I'm still living all over Northworld. 
M: Haven't found a place to settle down yet?
N: No, I suppose not. 
M: Good answer. 
  Where do you go when you're angry?
N: *Smiles* Those are as varied as the places I live. I usually go somewhere quiet, to think over what made me angry and why. 
M: Another good answer. And now we're getting into the hard questions... 
   What is your biggest fear? Who have you told this to? Who would you never tell this to? Why? 
You don't have to be very specific about the first part. No one before you really has. 
N: That doesn't surprise me. I know what they're all like. But to be honest, I have a lot of fears. A lot of very real fears. I've told them to a few people, mostly the good close friends I mentioned earlier. *Laughs* There are a lot of people I wouldn't tell my biggest fear to. 
M: Ah yes, I'm sure. 
   Do you have a secret?
N: *Laughs again* You were right. It looks like we have reached the hard questions. Yes, I do have a secret. More like a lot of secrets. Do I have to tell what they are?
M: If you weren't being so wonderfully cooperative, I might make you. But you are, so no. You don't have to tell me. 
N: *Smiles* Thank you. 
M: The next one is...
   What makes you laugh out loud?
N: Hmm... That is kind of a hard question, when you think about it. I laugh at a few things. Silly things that normal people probably don't laugh at. 
M: Like...?
N: Simple things that I used to take for granted. Like children when they're continually prattling on about something, or those occasional moments when you really connect with someone and you're having a grand time with them. Those are my favorite things to laugh at and be happy about. I hope that makes sense.  
M: It makes sense to me. *Grins*
    Have you ever been in love? Have you ever had a broken heart?
N: I've been in love once. A long time ago. Yes, I've had my heart broken plenty of times. 
M: Thank you for being honest.
   What kind of food do you have right now? What's on your bedroom floor? On your night-table? In your garbage?
N: I have a lot of different kinds of food. Somethings from places outside of the Ten Isles, somethings from inside. On the floor of the ship cabin that is currently my bedroom, I have some clothing, some maps, some parchment, a few chests. On my night-table I have some parchment, a few books, some quill pens, a few bottles of ink. In my garbage I have a lot of paper and old crusty bits of food. 
M: Yuck...
   What shoes are you wearing right now? What do you usually wear?
N: That's an odd question. 
M: *Mutters* Not with someone like Brutan. 
N: That's a very good point. Right now I'm wearing boots. Normally I wear boots, but sometimes I'll wear sandals or something else. It all depends on where I'm at. 
M: Alright.
   When you think of the kitchen in your house,(or whatever kitchen you happen to be using at the time) what smell do you associate with it?
N: *Chuckles* Again, this depends on where I'm at. I mostly think of heavy spices. 
M: Do you spend a lot of time in the East. 
N: Yes, I do.
M: Okay. I think we're almost done, by the way. 
    You're doing an intense cleaning of you room. What is easy for you to throw out? What is difficult for you to part with? Why?
N: I could stand to get rid of a lot of the junk I carry with me. *Sighs* But there are a lot of little things that I would have a hard time getting rid of. 
M: Anything specific?
N: Oh, just silly sentimental things that have no apparent value. There's an old piece of ribbon, and an old worn journal to name a few. 
M: I understand what you mean. I have a lot of things like that. *Smiles*
   What do you do Last-day at noon?
N: I try to relax and think over the week. I try to remember what went well with it and what didn't and how I could have avoided or prevented that. Of course, that doesn't always happen, but I try my best to do it whenever I can. 
M: That's a very good idea, Naraneel. 
N: Why, thank you. I can't take any credit for it, though. A good man I once knew told me about it, and I took it from him.
M: Ah. Good to know.
    What is one strong memory that has stuck with you from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?
N: Ahh... That would be the day Zaien came to the Village. He was the one that started me on the path I'm on today, that told me the beginnings of what I needed to know. I don't think I can ever forget seeing him step off of that ship and onto the dock, head held high, eyes glowing with knowledge. His arrival changed my life forever.
M: *Blinks* Wow. That was an excellent answer. Th-thank you. 
N: *Grins* You're welcome.
M: Ahem. What's next on the list... Oh! This is the last question!
   You're getting ready for a night out. Where are you going? What do you wear? Who will you be with?
N: I might be going to meet with a merchant or some other person who could help me in my travels. I'd wear something nice, practical, presentable. I would likely be going with my close friends, along with whoever told me about this new person in the first place. So we've reached the end of this interview?
M: Yes, we have. Before you go, I would like to try and express just how much I appreciate how cooperative you were. *Laughs* No one else was, so it really means a lot.
N: I always try my best to cooperate with people. Especially with people who have power, such as yourselves. 
M: Ha, I guess I do have power. But really, thank you for agreeing to do this. 
N: Thank you for letting me. I had a nice time spending time with you and the readers. *Smiles at writer and readers*
M: I certainly had a nice time with you as well. Have a good day, Naraneel.
N: Same to you. Wamareck.
M: Wamareck.

Tada!!! We're all finished!! Wowzers, thanks for sticking through all of these with me. Before I start in on the little series about our trip to the coast (which I'm planning on making much smaller than I had originally intended for all of your sake's, haha), I was thinking I miiiiight have a fanfic to post next week. That is, of course, if I manage to finish it in that time. It should be relatively short, and it's another Big Hero 6 fanfiction. Yes, another one. A day may come when I get over that movie... But it is not this day. 
   So, yeah. And on a side note, I've been slowly writing this six part Merlin fanfiction for the last few months or so. Would anyone be interested in reading that? Or is that just too much, hehheh.... 
   Again, sorry this is late! Hopefully that won't happen anymore. And thanks again for reading! Farewell, readers.