Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The First Post on Traveling Home!! Yay! :D

  Well, it looks like I've finally done it! I've started a blog! Which is pretty amazing, when you consider that I am possibly the least tech savvy person in North America. And possibly the world. In fact, even now I feel lost in this maze of "Layouts", and "Design", and all that scary stuff. But, I am getting way off topic.
  First off, I'm a Christian young woman. So, I have created this blog to (hopefully) encourage people in their walk with Christ. To talk about things I've read in the Bible lately that have 'jumped out' at me, about things that I've been convicted about, to help people on their 'homeward journey'. You know. Stuff like that.
   But along with this, there will be plenty of book reviews, funny stuff, randomness, and all that jazz. And also, don't expect me to post every day, or even every week. I'm a slacker. You will learn this very soon.
   I hope you enjoy my thoughts on the things that come up on here, and that we can learn from each other while we are Traveling Home!
                The Homeward Bound Traveler


  1. Hey Maggie!
    My best friend Aria Taylor (LOZ-elisrilianfan @ Devaintart.com) drew Breeta, and she's captured my imagination from the start. Your Breeta board was very inspiring and I love her! (Also jfkdsjflskjdfkdklsdj your Hiccup's expressions board was perfectness). You are super duper califragilistically awesome!!!!!
    I used to have a Pinterest but God called me to delete it (maybe because I was on too often, lol). But I look forward to reading your blog! Hope you had a blessed Christmas!
