Monday, January 26, 2015


   Five years. Five years of planning, writing, revising, trashing and repeating the whole process. Five years of frustration and joy, inspiration and writers block. Or to put it simply, five years of procrastination.
   After five years of all this, I am finally going to write my novel. I tend to think that I wasted five years of my life putting off the actual writing of my story, but that isn't necessarily true. I spent a lot of that time developing my story in my mind. I needed to figure out who my characters are, what they need to become, what they need to do. Same thing with the story itself. So all in all, I think that the five years wasn't exactly "wasted"', though I probably could have taken a little less time to figure everything out. But regardless, today is the day I start.
   My goal is one chapter a week. That's a feasible goal, wouldn't you say? But knowing how I am, I might have a difficult time with it, though I will do my very best to meet it. I might even occasionally share a chapter or a snippet with you guys.
   So, here goes! My novel writing adventure is about to begin! Wish me luck everyone!


  1. That's exciting!!! How long do you think your book will be??

    1. I have twenty-six chapters outlined, but I might add more or take out some. It could go either way. :) As for word and page count, I have absolutely no idea! But I'm thinking along the lines of big rather than small. :)

  2. God bless your story and its writing process, and may it glorify him and shed light into people's lives, maybe light that will kindle a flame of life!
    Hey, not bad. J.K. Rowling spent seven years thinking out her series before she started them and now she's the richest author alive.

    1. Bronze, thank you so much for that! I really hope to glorify God through this story. :)
      Haha, that gives me some hope. XP
