Yes, you read that right. I am co-writing my novel!!! Pretty crazy, huh??
My co-writer is someone truly amazing, so amazing I could never put it into words. He's always there to give me help with my plot, character development, theme. And anything else I need too, in writing and in everyday life! Whenever I'm stuck I go to him for help and he always has an answer for me. If I'm discouraged with my writing (which I often am) he's always there to encourage and uplift me. In short, he is simply the greatest co-writer I could ever have the privilege of working with. But the best part is that you can co-write with him too. Right now, as a matter of fact!
In case you haven't already guessed, I'm going to tell you who he is. This co-writer of mine is God! Without him I honestly don't know if I'd even be able to write. Whenever I ask, he's always right there to help me out with what to say and how to say it. He's always ready to unravel my tangled plot and make it into something beautiful that only he could do. Because trust me, without him this novel would be a complete mess. It really kind of is, but it would be even more so if I didn't have him.
Most importantly though, he gives me the passion I need to write. I have a lot of passion and heart for my novel that God has given me. Granted, most of the time I have a difficult time getting that on paper, but it's still there. Without passion, without a burning desire for your story to touch others lives, then it's just going to be a bunch of words that people will forget. If your story's good, then people might remember it for awhile but is it going to make them want to change? For most Christians who are writing, this is your ultimate goal. And without God giving you that passion that isn't going to happen.
Keeping God involved in your story will help fix a lack of passion. How do you do that? Talk to him about it. Ask him to help you when you need it (and I know you need it a lot. I certainly do). Read your Bible. Go to church. Some of these things might not seem related but they are. Things my pastor says during his sermon have often inspired me in some aspect of my writing, from character development to new story inspiration. Reading my Bible helps me to fuel my passion for this story and often gives me ideas for my characters, as odd as that probably sounds. Please, don't go to church and read your Bible just to help you with your writing. Do those things to help you grow closer to Jesus. But while you're doing them, keep your heart and mind open to what God may give you for your writing. He'll give you something if you ask him for it!
Thanks for reading again this week! If I can get my act together, I might be posting a Big Hero 6 fanfiction next week (anybody else absolutely in love with that movie???). If I don't have it finished, who knows! I could post about anything. XP
Have a wonderful week, and keep writing!
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Life in General
Hello readers and followers of this poor, tiny blog!!
Agh, I am the worst blogger in the entire universe, I know!! Though I can honestly say that I have been quite busy with writing, so that is why I haven't been blogging. But from now on, I WILL be posting once a week, every week on Monday. Boding some form of disaster doesn't occur, that is. But this is my new goal, and I am going to stick with it! *Loud applause and cheering in background due to the fact that I'm going to finally commit to this*
I am also writing this post to give a general update on my life. Number one being that I have started an online shop on Facebook for some of my crochet items! I do crochet, in case you didn't know. ((You might recall the FREE Merlin and Arthur crochet patterns I posted awhile back.)) But I do, and it's something that I really enjoy doing. So here's the link to my Facebook page/shop, if you get the urge to check it out:
I call it "Magestic Makery". Which since my name is Maggie, was supposed to be incredibly creative and amazing, but I think a lot of people just think I spelled majestic wrong.... But anyway, here's a picture of some of the things I've made.
Agh, I am the worst blogger in the entire universe, I know!! Though I can honestly say that I have been quite busy with writing, so that is why I haven't been blogging. But from now on, I WILL be posting once a week, every week on Monday. Boding some form of disaster doesn't occur, that is. But this is my new goal, and I am going to stick with it! *Loud applause and cheering in background due to the fact that I'm going to finally commit to this*
I am also writing this post to give a general update on my life. Number one being that I have started an online shop on Facebook for some of my crochet items! I do crochet, in case you didn't know. ((You might recall the FREE Merlin and Arthur crochet patterns I posted awhile back.)) But I do, and it's something that I really enjoy doing. So here's the link to my Facebook page/shop, if you get the urge to check it out:
I call it "Magestic Makery". Which since my name is Maggie, was supposed to be incredibly creative and amazing, but I think a lot of people just think I spelled majestic wrong.... But anyway, here's a picture of some of the things I've made.
Likes, shares, comments and the like are all very much appreciated, but I don't want to pressure any of you! Just wanted to share. :D
And now for a writing update! I will be finishing the ninth chapter of my novel and I will commence work on chapter ten in the coming week. I CAN'T BELIEVE I'VE MADE IT THIS FAR!!! Chapter thirteen will mark the halfway mark of my outlined book, and I was thinking about posting an excerpt when I reach that point. What do you think of that?
As I mentioned earlier, I will be posting once a week on here from now on. And I've got a wide variety of things planned out. Some of which include a possible fanfiction, maybe some excerpts, some deep and thoughtful musings, writing stuff... Like I said, a wide variety, so keep your eyes open!
And as for my life in general.... It's been good! I'm going to start Driver's ED this Tuesday (( THIS TUESDAY!!! ACK!!! *Screams in fear of the unknown*)). So that's exciting and also very nerve-wracking. And um... Geesh, I don't know! I've been mostly crocheting, drawing, writing, reading. AKA the usual. I did re-start piano lessons last Monday, which is also exciting! Have I mentioned I play the piano?? Well, I do, so now you know. :D We'll see how that goes since I'll also have a bunch of Driver's ED stuff to do.. *Gulps*
Ta-da! That's what my life has been like! And I posted on my blog again, yayyayyay!! I do love comments, so feel free to leave some! Have a splendid week everyone, and I'll see you here come next Monday!
Monday, April 13, 2015
What's Up With Modern Music?
Has anyone else noticed the lack of depth in today's music, specifically in today's Christian music? Because I have, and it irritates me to no end. It seems like every time I turn on the radio, my ears are bombarded by this meaningless noise. Most of the songs I hear are nothing but this upbeat tune with some mindless lyrics that are repeated over and over again. And sure, it's sometimes nice to have a fun song that you can jam out to without thinking about. But every song that airs on the radio is a little too far, don't you think?
What happened to songs like "And Can It Be"? Take a minute and listen to this song and think about the lyrics. It will touch your heart and bring tears to your eyes! What about "Be Thou My Vision", or "There Is a Fountain"? You can pretty much take any hymn out of any old hymnal and find something worth your time. Now compare these songs to today's Contemporary Christian Music. Pretty big difference, huh? Don't get me wrong, there are quite a few CCM songs that I really like! I've even posted about a few of them before. But the fact of the matter is, most of today's Christian music is horribly shallow and meaningless. And I actually have a theory for what has happened to change it from what it used to be. ((That's right, I'm not just posting some big long rant. I actually have a point to my argument, heehee. :D ))
As a writer, I am constantly trying to figure out how to "show and not tell" in my writing. For those of you who aren't writers, this means not boring the reader with this long description of what's going on, and instead showing them what's actually happening. For example, instead of saying "she desperately wanted to hold Jimmy's hand, but she was too afraid", you should say something along the lines of "her hand tentatively reached toward Jimmy's, but she jerked it back before they touched". See what I'm trying to say?
In the music of old, the writers painted this beautiful picture of what Jesus did for us and our relationship with him. Take a look at this verse from "And Can It Be":
As a writer, I am constantly trying to figure out how to "show and not tell" in my writing. For those of you who aren't writers, this means not boring the reader with this long description of what's going on, and instead showing them what's actually happening. For example, instead of saying "she desperately wanted to hold Jimmy's hand, but she was too afraid", you should say something along the lines of "her hand tentatively reached toward Jimmy's, but she jerked it back before they touched". See what I'm trying to say?
In the music of old, the writers painted this beautiful picture of what Jesus did for us and our relationship with him. Take a look at this verse from "And Can It Be":
Long my imprisoned spirit lay,
Fast bound in sin and nature’s night;
Thine eye diffused a quickening ray—
I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;
My chains fell off, my heart was free,
I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.
That is amazing!!! Charles Wesley, the writer of this hymn, succeeded in showing and not telling in this song. He used an allegorical representation of salvation to get his point across. But not all hymns use this method. Some hymns do tell instead of show. Look at this verse from "There Is A Fountain":
- The dying thief rejoiced to seeThat fountain in His day;And there have I, though vile as he,Washed all my sins away.
The writer just states what's going on, but he tells it in such a beautiful way! Songwriters of today have lost that. It feels like there is no heart to their music, like they're not putting any thought or effort into their writing. If you picked up a book that was written that way, you'd read a few pages and put it back. Why? Because the writing's poor. And books with poor writing are no fun to read, are they? Well, I think that songs with poor writing and no heart behind their lyrics aren't fun to listen to.
Please don't take me wrong, I'm sure that there are tons of artists who still have heart in their music. Actually, I know there is, because those are the guys I like to listen to. All I"m saying is that it seems like the majority of them have lost that. It feels like they're just putting out another song to add it to their new album that thousands people are going to buy without putting any emotion into it. And when the point of their music should be to praise God with it, then doing that isn't right.
I could be absolutely wrong about all this, but this is just the general impression I get from modern music. I really wish I didn't get this impression, but I do. I miss the deep, powerful music that we have in our hymnals, the stuff that changes lives. And I hope to see more of that in today's music. :)
((I WILL be posting next Monday!!! It'll be some general news about what's going on with my life and stuff. Hope to see you next week!))
((I WILL be posting next Monday!!! It'll be some general news about what's going on with my life and stuff. Hope to see you next week!))
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