Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Favorite Christmas Traditions

   Merry Christmas once again!
   Well, I'm here to talk about my five favorite Christmas traditions, as promised! Let's get started, shall we?

1. Christmas Eve Service

Every year, my church has the most amazing Christmas Eve service. There's beautiful Christmas music, the Christmas story is read, and at the end we all light candles and sing a Christmas hymn together.  The very atmosphere just gives you chills. It's solemn and reverent, but joyful and happy at the same time. Honestly, you'd have to be there to really understand what it's like, but there is a reason it is my favorite Christmas tradition.

2. Twelve Days of Christmas

This is something my mom found a few years ago, and we've done it ever since. So basically, you choose a family you know, whether it be someone going through hard times, someone in need, or just for fun, and you give them these little gifts. We usually start on the thirteenth and give them their last gift on Christmas Eve. Every day is a different gift, with a fun little poem to go with it. At the end, you're supposed to reveal who you are, but we like to keep it a secret. So shh!! Don't tell anyone! ;)

3. Reading the Christmas Story

I really enjoy personally reading the Christmas story. I usually start about a week before and go through the main points up until Christmas day. But this year, I found a really cool schedule that spreads it out from the first 'til the twenty-fifth! Some of the daily readings are only two or three verses, but others are longer.
   <--- Here's the schedule if you wanna check it out. :)
   And here's my shorter schedule, just for fun!

1. Luke 1:26-38
2. Luke 1:39-56
3. Luke 1:57-80
4. Luke 2:1-7
5. Luke 2:8-20
6. Luke 2:21-40
7. Matthew 1:18-25
8. Matthew 2 

4. Opening a Present on Christmas Eve

Who doesn't enjoy opening a present early? I certainly do! Our parents usually have us open a game or something to help keep us entertained during the long hours of waiting on Christmas Eve. It does help! Especially last year, since one of the games we happened to get was Dutch Blitz. As a side note, if you've never played this game before, you need to. It is the funnest game ever. But anyway, yeah, we like to open a present early! :)

5. Prime Rib
So, this is our traditional Christmas Eve meal. Much better than your average turkey, or goose, or what have you. Our whole family looks forward to this treat every year! Yum!

Ooooo!!! Just LOOK at it! My mouth is watering already.... 

   So concludes my favorite Christmas traditions! I do hope you enjoyed them, though I've probably made you hungry for some prime rib. :) Do you share any traditions with me? Have some of your own you would like to add? Feel free to comment! I love hearing from the brave few who look at this blog.
   I'm not sure what I should do next week, which also happens to be the last week of this little Christmas series. Can you believe that we only have nine days until Christmas? Where does the time go??? But, I'm thinking I might post one of my Christmas poems. Anyone have any other ideas?  
   Well, I must bid you all adieu! Have a great day, and Merry Christmas! 


Note: Non of these images are mine! They belong to various talented photographers on the internet. :) 

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