Monday, June 22, 2015

Character Interviews Week 1: Brutan

   Here we go, the first week of my character interviews!! I must confess, I am a little excited to do this, teehee. :D So, I'm not going to beat around the bush like I normally do.
   To start things off, here is my illustration/sketch of Brutan

   ((It's not very good, but I need to learn to live with not being satisfied with my art, so... *Shrugs*))

Now let's jump into this thing!!

  Me:  *Shuffles papers* *Smiles excitedly*
   I would like to introduce you all to Brutan, my main character!!
Brutan: *Smiles and nods head cordially* Hello.
Me: How are you doing today?
Brutan: I'm doing fine. You?
Me: Good! I'm doing great!
   *Clears throat* Are you ready to start, Brutan?
Brutan: I think so...
M: Alright! Let's go!!!
   First question: What is your full name? And do you have a nickname?
B: Well, my full name is Brutan Alendaar Frawn. And I don't really have any nicknames.
M: *Glares* I think we both know that's not true.
B: *Sighs* Fine. Some of my friends call me Bru.
M: *Continues to glare*
B: *Groans* AndmymothercallsmeBruey-Bear. Does that make you feel better?
M: Absolutely. Now for the next question
  What is your hair and eye color?
B: My hair is dark brown and my eyes are blue.
M: Very good.
   What kind of distinguishing facial features do you have (Not including scars)?
B: Umm... I don't think I have any, really. Do I?
M: *Shakes head* Not really. You are considered pretty handsome among the female Villagers though, are you not?
B: ... What?
M: Next question.
B: Wait a minute!
M: *Ignores Brutan*
   Do you have a birthmark and/or any scars? Where are they located?
B: I, uh, have a scar on my face, and a few on my shoulders, chest, and back. And I'm sure I have a birthmark somewhere. *Laughs*
M: *Smiles*
   Who are your friends, family and those closest to you? Who do you wish was closer to you?
B: My friends are Breeta, Dramduel, Gvenney, and... Loorarc. My family consists of my mother and father. I don't have any siblings, but I do have a...
M: You aren't supposed to mention that!!!! Remember??
B: *Blinks* Oh yeah, I forgot. Sorry...
M: It's fine, haha... So, is there someone you wish you were closer to?
B: *Considers* Not really.
M: Alrighty.
   Where were you born? Where have you lived since then, and where do you call home right now?
B: I was born in the Village on the Isle of Un Tornun and I've lived there my entire life, and still do.
M: Let's see... Hmm, this is a good one for you.
   Where do you go when you're angry?
B: Sometimes I go... Wait, what do you mean this is a good one for me?
M: I don't know. I just thought it was, is all. Now answer the question.
B: Just wait a moment-!
M: No. Answer the question
B: *Growls* Fine then. I usually go the old shipyard on the outskirts of the Village. Sometimes I go to this spot Loorarc and I have in the forest. It just depends on the day. And what made me angry.
M: There. That wasn't so hard, was it? Oh, this is a pretty deep one...
   What is your biggest fear? Who have you told this to? Who would you never tell this to? Why?
B: That's more than one question. Can I just answer one?
M: No, answer them all.
B: Do I really have to? *Stares pleadingly at writer*
M: *Buries head in hands* Stop being difficult and answer the questions, will you???
B: Alright, alright!! My biggest fear is... I don't know. I, I would hate to lose someone close to me, and I don't want to fail them either. I guess that would be it...
M: Close enough. Next ones.
B: *Chuckles* I don't really talk about my deepest, darkest fears with anyone. And who would I never tell this too..? Oh, for Millie's sake, I don't know! Can't I skip just this one?
M: *Sighs* Go ahead...
B: Thank you.
M: *Grunts* Let's just move onto the next question.
   Do you have a secret?
B: *Snorts* Do I have a secret? Do I have a secret?? *Laughs at this for a few moments*
M: C'mon Brutan...
B: *Takes a breath* Okay, okay... Yes, I certainly do have a secret.
M: Ha, looks like we might have already answered this next one.
   What makes you laugh out loud?
B: Well, I usually do laugh at stuff like that. I suppose you would say I laugh at irony.
M: Indeed you do.
  Have you ever been in love? Have you ever had a broken heart?
B: I've never really been in love. So I've never had a broken heart over that.
M: But you have had a broken heart, haven't you?
B: Um, well... maybe? What's the next question?
M: *Shakes head*
   What is in your, em... What kind of food do you have right now? What's on your bedroom floor? On your night-table? In your garbage?
B: We have negla, rashaberries, vegetables, bread... The usual. I'm sure I probably have clothes on my floor, maybe some paper. On my night-table I have paper too, a candle, a dagger. I might have more, but I can't remember any of it.
M: That's just fine.
   What shoes are you wearing right now? What do you usually wear?
B: *Lifts up feet to reveal raggedy pair of leather boots* I wear these. Always.
M: Oh yes, you most definitely do. *Grimaces* You probably should get a new pair...
B: Don't even think about it.
M: Okay, I won't. I wouldn't want to incur your wrath or anything....
   When you think of the kitchen in your house, what smell do you associate with it?
B: *Thinks* I have to just choose one smell?
M: Nah, just try to narrow it down to, let's say three.
B: Alright.... I think of fresh bread, burning logs in the hearth, and sweet biscuits.
M: You're making me hungry. *Grins*
   You're doing an intense cleaning of you room. What is easy for you to throw out? What is difficult for you to part with? Why?
B: Hmmm... I wouldn't mind getting rid of my dress clothes. *Laughs* I wouldn't want to get rid of anything out of my chest, or my boots.
M: I think we've already established that...
B: *Ignores writer* Why? I hate my dress clothes, my chest has things that I've grown attached to, and no other pair of boots can ever replace these ones.
M: You know, why is that? Why are you so unwilling to give those old things up.
B: You wrote me, for Millie's sake. I would think you'd know the answer to something like that.
M: Whatever, boulder-head.
   What do you do, um, Last-day at noon?
B: That depends on the day. I'll usually be eating lunch, or Training, or helping my father at the shipyard.
M: Okey doke. We're almost done here!
B: I thought it would never end.
M: Oh, hush up.
   What is one strong memory that has stuck with you from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting? (Just pick the first one that comes to your mind.)
B: That would probably be the day my dog died. He was this giant thing that was always willing to protect me and always wanted to play. He finally just got too old and couldn't take care of the both of us anymore...
M: *Smiles fondly at Brutan* Last question.
   You're getting ready for a night out. Where are you going? What do you wear? Who will you be with?
B: In all likelihood I'd be going to a banquet. I'd wear my dress clothes, and I'd be with my family. Did you say that was the last question?
M: Yup!!
B: *Sighs in relief* Finally.
M: *Rolls eyes* Thank you for mostly cooperating, Brutan. Hopefully the next three won't be as horrid as you.
B: I wasn't quite that bad.
M: Humph. I think you were.... Anyway, I'll see you later! Don't get yourself into anymore trouble.
B: That you will. And I'll try my hardest. It's not like I go looking for trouble or anything... *Waves to readers* Wamareck+, everyone.

Thank you all for pushing through this incredibly long post!!!!!! I hope you enjoyed getting to know my main character a little. If you have any questions about him or my story, feel free to ask! Just be prepared for a long answer, haha!
   Next week I'm going to be interviewing Breeta. I think you'll all really like her. :) So, until then, dearest readers, have a wonderful week!! Enjoy your summer break while it lasts, create something, take a walk. Live a little!


+Wamareck means "Redeemer guide you" in the old language of the Villagers. 

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