Monday, November 23, 2015

Thanksgiving Thankfulness: Part 3

Good day, readers!
   I hope you all are doing well. :) And I hope you're ready for Christmas time, because it's almost heeeerrree!!!! :D
   Today is the last post in my little series on things I'm thankful for. This has probably been a bit boring for you all to read, and I'm really sorry guys. *Sheepish smile*
   But you know. I think that this has been really good for me these past few weeks. Sometimes I really just need to step back and think about all of the things I'm blessed with, and not just focus on the bad things in my life. Because I am so blessed. Even in just the thirty things I've mentioned/will be mentioning in my blog posts. There are so many other seemingly "little" things that I'm thankful for, so many things I just take for granted in everyday life. And it honestly feels really good to remember all of these things and and just realize...
   Life is really good. In spite of all of the ups and downs. And that's what these past few posts have helped me to remember.
   But enough is enough. Let's go ahead and wrap this little series up, shall we?
   Ah. Wait just a moment. I must give you all a little NaNoWriMo update, mustn't I? Hehheh, yes indeed. This week I have written 9,296 words. Not quite as good as last week, but get this.
   I have one more chapter left in my book before it's finished. One. More.
   And that's it.
   So yeah. Yeah.  I'm just a little excited.
   But gosh! I'd better get started on the real part of this post...

1. Salvation
   This is one of the things I am most thankful for in the entire world. I cried out in my darkest night and Jesus pulled me out of my guilt and set me free to live for and serve Him. Oh, yes I am so thankful for this!!!!!

2. Piano
   I've been playing the piano for, oh, about 8 years now. A little over 1 year ago, I kind of stopped playing. We couldn't afford the lessons I had been taking, some things weren't working out so I was no longer taking lessons at all, and I just... Stopped. But about 6 months ago, I started taking lessons again. I've started playing, and I've realized once again how thankful I am that I can do this. Playing the piano can be hard and frustrating, but man! I still love doing it, because it can also be a whole lot of fun. :)

3. Clothes
   Yes, I really am thankful for clothes, okay?! I love to dress up and make different outfits and find inspiration for them on Pinterest, I love to put on my dresses and my skirts and feel good. I just like them, and I am thankful for them. So there.

4. Growing Things
   I love flowers and plants and trees and grass and growing things in general!! Greenery and shrubbery and flowery... All of those things. I love going out in the summer and seeing everything green and alive. I love going out in fall and watching as they let go of that life with a blaze of fiery glory that takes your breath away. I love going out in winter and seeing the bare branches clothed in white snow, a still beautiful skeleton of their life and a promise for it to return soon. And then in spring when everything blooms again and takes a breath of the fresh, clean air and prepares to be alive. It's the circle of life and I love it. (Yes, you can go ahead and sing the song)

5. The Bible
   Just the very fact that I have a Bible is wonderful. So many people all over the world aren't allowed this, so many people in history weren't allowed it. It is such a blessing that I tend to so easily forget. Without it, how would I ever grow as a Christian? How would any of us? And yet we all just tend to take it for granted, even though people sacrificed their lives, shed their blood for this Book...

6. Solitude/People
   I am sure that this sounds very strange when you first read it. But let me explain. I love to be alone. Right now I'm sitting all by myself  in my room, wearing my Winnine the Pooh PJ's, writing this blog post with rather cold fingers and listening to "Multiplied" by NeedtoBreathe on my tablet. And I am perfectly happy. I love solitude. I could plug in some earbuds, grab a notebook and/or sketchbook, maybe a to read book and just chill all by myself. And I totally dig it, man. It's great. I'm an introvert and that's how we roll.
  But at the same time.
   I also do enjoy being around people. For example... Today I had church. This evening I had a really great time hanging out with my good friend Mikaylea before, after, and actually during services (that sounds a lot worse than it actually was. But it would take more time to explain at the moment than I am willing to give). And it was great. We didn't really do anything, just hung out. It was awesome.
   All this to say, I am thankful that I can be alone. But I'm also thankful that I'm surrounded by wonderful people who not only tolerate me, but actually want to hang out with me. At least, I think they do...
   But yeah. I'm am really grateful for that.

7. Nostalgia
   Ah yes. I love those feelings of nostalgia you get. Like when you pick up a book you haven't read in forever, or you listen to that one song, or you watch that one show. You get what I mean. It always feels like a reminder of how much you've lived your life, what you've done, how far you've come, how wonderful your life was and still is. It's a great feeling, in my opinion.

8. Freedom
   Let's just think for a moment about all of the people who don't have this. The ones who are just fighting to survive, who can't own guns, who can't speak freely, who can't even go to church or own a Bible. I honestly have no idea what this is even like. I am so blessed to live in a free country, to live in America for goodness' sake!! Amen and hallelujah!

9. The Future
   This kind of ties in with my last point. I have the opportunity to have a wonderful future. A wonderful, hopeful, Christ-filled future that I can live with my whole heart. Now, I don't know what the future holds. Honestly, it scares me quite a bit to think about, but man! Am I ever thankful that I have one, long or short as it may be.

10. The Ocean
   (Laura Scimeca actually gave me the inspiration for this one!! :D) I LOVE THE OCEAN, GUYS!!!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!!!! If you've been following my blog, you'll know that back in June my family and I went on a trip to the Washington coast. It was absolutely, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the best week of my entire life so far. It was so beautiful and inspiring. I can still hear the waves as they came clawing up onto shore, still hear the wind, still see the beach, still see the endless water stretching on forever. I could live there. I could move right now and live in a trailer by the ocean and be totally happy forever.

And will you lookie there. I survived another blog post series!! Yay!!! :D It's even more exciting that you all survived it too, haha. :)
   I hope you all kind of enjoyed this, and that you have a great Thanksgiving!!! Remember to count your blessings tell me some of them in the comments below.
   Have a great week and a great start to your holiday season!


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