Monday, January 11, 2016

Why I Like Sad Things

Hello, readers!
   How has your week been? I hope it was great, but if not, I hope this next one is exponentially better! :D 
   In my life, I've begun to notice something about myself. It's something that I've kind of always known about, but I've also come to the realization that not everyone else is the same way. And I've also realized that it might come across as weird to those who aren't.
   You see, I like sad things. And when I say I like sad thing, I mean I like them a lot
   Yeah, this may or may not sound weird depending on how you feel about it. But either way, allow me to clarify.
   Even from a young age, I've always enjoyed the sadder side of stories. I've never been one for straight-up comedies, or mindless entertainment, or just simple plot-lines or any of that stuff. Though I do enjoy some good humor, hehheh. :P I've always liked dramas. The stories where something goes horribly wrong, the characters are hurt and thrown down, and it looks like there isn't any hope to be seen. I love the times when the characters are at their lowest and they just lose it. I love to scroll through the hurt/comfort fanfictions from my favorites stories. Generally speaking, my favorite parts in books and movies are the very saddest parts. 
   'Okay', you say as you exit as fast as you can out of this blog post, because wowzers this girl is creepy. I am totally sounding creepy right now, but I'm not finished. Just bear with me. 
   Yes, it is true that these are my favorite kind of stories. The ones where the tears are streaming down your face and your crying into your pillow and you just want to reach through the page or the screen and fix everything, 'cause if you have to watch one more thing go wrong in their precious fictional lives then you're going to scream. You know, those kind of stories. 
   There was a point in my life where I realized that I actually, in a somewhat sick and strange way, enjoyed this kind of pain. And I was a little scared of myself. 
   Why in heaven's name did I enjoy these kind of, well, these kind of feels? Was this normal? Should I see someone about this?? What if I'm crazy??? 
   (I'm also a bit paranoid, if you couldn't tell from the above description.)
   But after some careful thought and consideration, I came to the conclusion that I was not in need of serious help. And I'm now going to do my best to convince you of the same thing.
   I don't like sad things because I'm some kind of a psychopath and I like to see people in pain. I like them because sad things are so very human. 
   Frivolous conversation isn't something I particularly enjoy. I don't like when people are shallow, I don't like when things are only "ankle-deep". I like to get down into the deepest, darkest parts and pour everything out into the light. I like when people bare their souls and are completely and totally honest with each other and when you can rest your head on someone else's shoulder and spill your guts to them and you know everything's going to be okay because you're human and so are they and this is how things are supposed to be.
   When people are sad, when people are broken, they become real. They drop the masks and they are nothing but what they truly are inside.
   They're broken and lost and they're taking the first step toward something better.
   So really, sad things aren't that sad at all. It's just that low part in every story that always leads to something even better than you or the characters could have ever imagined. When you take a sad story and shave off all of the tears and pain, at its center it's really a story of hope.
   And that's why I like them. Because it's just another way to illustrate that there really is good in the world and that there's always a light at the end of the tunnel.

   Hope that this ended up making some kind of sense. :P I also started an Etsy this last Friday if you want to check that out here:
   I'm hoping to have a Gravity Falls fanfiction up next week, but I've said similar things before only to have them not happen. But I'm going to really try!!
   Have a wonderful week, dearest readers!



  1. Maggie... Maggie this is beautiful!
    I was almost weeping listening to this. Oh my word. You took some unspeakable thing from my heart and put it into words. You're not the only one who likes sad things and wonders why. This is amazingly deep and your conclusion is truth at its best. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. I feel like you connected with me on an abnormally deep level, like someone else might possibly know exactly how I feel. This is just... poetry.

    1. Oh Bronze, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! It really means a lot to me to hear that I'm not the only one like this, hehheh. :) Thank you so much for your sweet comment and have a wonderful day!

  2. Wow! This is so insightful, Maggie! I'm another of those people who has always loved the saddest parts of the stories the most, and you put into words what I've always wondered myself. I think you are spot on with your theory on why we love these parts! The real, human characters we can relate to as people like us are always the best. :) You have a really incredible way with words and a talent for expressing yourself; I love reading your posts!

    1. Thank you, Elisha! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :D
