Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Character Interviews Week 2: Breeta

  Agh!! This is late! I am so sorry! I sat down to write this post last night, and my internet refused to work. It was pretty late, I hadn't finished drawing the character picture for this week, so I made the decision to just do it tomorrow. So here we are!
   To start, here's my drawing of Breeta:

   I had a whole different picture I was going to be posting, but it WAS NOT WORKING. AT ALL. So I had to start over last night. ((Weee....)) Which is the reason it is so messy.

Well then, let's jump into this!

Me: Readers, meet Breeta!! *Smiles widely at character*
Breeta: *Smiles widely back and waves enthusiastically at readers* Hi everyone!!
Me: How is the day treating you, Breeta?
Breeta: Wonderful! I've had a really great day. And how about you?
Me: I'm doing wonderful as well. Are you ready to get started with this character interview?
Breeta: Oh yes!! I've been looking forward to this since you told me about it. Let's get started!
M: Alrighty then. Here's the first question:
  What is your full name? And do you have a nickname?
B: My full name is Breeta Valliny Kap. Um, I don't really have any nicknames. A few of my friends call me Bree sometimes, but that's about it.
M: That's right.
   What is your hair and eye color?
B: My hair is red and my eyes are green. Well actually, my hair is more of a dark auburn color. *Plays with strand of hair*
M: Yes, it is. It's wavy, too. Now let's see...
   What kind of distinguishing facial features do you have?
B: Freckles! *Giggles* I have a lot of freckles.
M: You have big eyes, too. And a little button nose. And a huge smile.
B: I guess I have those too. *Smiles*
M: *Smiles back*
   Do you have a birthmark and/or scars? Where are they located.
B: Well, I don't have any scars. And I have a birthmark on my elbow. *Holds up elbow*
M: Huh. Interesting. I didn't know that... Well then, let's move on
   Who are your friends, family and those closest to you? Who do you wish was closer to you?
B: Well, my best friends are Brutan, Gvenney and Dramduel. I'm actually an orphan, so I don't have any family that I know of. And there are a few people I wish were closer to me.
M: Like who?
B: *Laughs nervously and shrugs* No one in particular, really.
M: *Narrows eyes at character*
B: *Fidgets nervously but remains silent*
M: Humph. Next question.
   Where were you born? Where have you lived since then, and where do you call home right now?
B: *Laughs again* I don't know where I was born. All I know is that one of the Sea Traders brought me to the Village on their ship, took me to the Memorial Orphanage, and that's where I've lived ever since.
M: Good answer.
  Where do you go when you're angry?
B: When I'm angry? *Giggles* I don't really know. I guess sometimes I go up to the orphanage roof. But I go there all of the time, so I don't think that really counts.
M: I think it does. Though usually, you give everyone a piece of your mind when your mad, then you leave unashamed with your head held high. Am I right?
B: *Smirks* That's right. So I don't usually need to go anywhere to let off my anger.
M: *Grins and shakes head* Oh, Breeta... Onto the next question. Hehheh, this is a good one.
    What is your biggest fear? Who have you told this to? Who would you never tell this to? Why?
B: *Blinks* Deepest fear? Well, haha, I'm not sure.
M: Come on, Breeta. It's okay. *Smiles reassuringly*
B: *Shrugs and rolls eyes* *Puts on smile* I really don't have one.
M: I think you forget who you're speaking to. I did write you, remember that.
B: Well then, you know I don't have one. Don't you? *Raises eyebrow*
M: *Runs fingers through hair* For Millie's sake, why can't I get any of you to answer these silly questions?! If you refuse to tell the readers what your deepest fear is, please kindly answer the rest of the question.
B: *Grins* I can do that. I've told some of my friends my deepest fear. I wouldn't really want to tell it to a stranger though. *Glances apologetically at the readers and writer* Sorry!
M: *Sighs* I understand. Let's see what's next...
    Do you have a secret?
B: *Thinks* You know, I don't really think so. I'm a pretty open girl.
M: *Mutters* Pretty open about things except for your deepest fear.
B: Yup. That's right.
M: *Snorts*
   What makes you laugh out loud?
B: Lots of things! *Giggles* I'm a pretty happy girl, too!
M: *Grins* That you are.
    Have you ever been in love? Have you ever had a broken heart?
B: Oh, not really.
M: About which? Being in love or having a broken heart/
B: Both.
M: More lies, Breeta? Really?
B: Whaddya mean? I've never been truly in love with anyone, and, and I've never head a broken heart before.
M: Breeta, come now. We've all had a broken heart before. Maybe not over a lover, but over something. Right?
B: *Slowly nods* I suppose that's true. I have had a broken hear, thent.
M: What have you had a broken heart over?
B: Wait a moment. That wasn't part of the question.
M: That is irrelevant. I am the writer, and thus you have to obey me.
B: *Smirks again* Oh, really?
M: *Rolls eyes and shakes head* Who am I kidding, you guys never listen to me... Let's move on.
   What kind of food do you have right now? What's on your bedroom floor? On your night-table? In your garbage?
B: The food we get at the orphanage depends on the season. But we usually get vegetables, and a lot of food from Gvenney's mother. On my bedroom floor, I have... *Begins counting on fingers* Lots of clothes, some bags, some paper, lots of books, a rug, a little chest, and I think that's it. On my night-table I have even more books. And in my garbage? Mostly paper. I think they're might be some food in there as well.
M: Nicely done.
   What shoes are you wearing right now? What do you usually wear?
B: Weeelll, right now I'm wearing a pair of little brown shoes. I usually wear shoes like this, sandals, or boots. But I prefer to go barefooted.
M: Hehheh, me too. *Smiles*
   When you think of the kitchen in your house (or orphanage), what smell do you associate with it?
B: Hmm... Warm, fresh bread and cheese. And sometimes stew to go with it.
M: Yummy.
    You're doing an intense cleaning of you room. What is easy for you to throw out? What is difficult for you to part with? Why?
B: Oo, I don't think it would be easy for me to get rid of anything, actually. I have a strong emotional bond with everything I own *Grins*
M: You certainly take after me more than I care to admit.
    What do you do Last-day at noon?
B: *Sighs wistfully* I like to sit on my spot on the Orphanage roof and read a good book. Or watch all of the people as they walk by. Or take a trip to the Market and get some dinner, or take a walk through the forest. I like to do a lot of things at that time.
M: It's a good time to do things. We're nearly finished, by the way.
B: Oh! I was really enjoying this!
M: *Grins* I'm glad you are!
   What is one strong memory that has stuck with you from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?
B: *Considers* I really think the night I first sneaked out of the orphanage window and looked up at the stars has really stuck with me. I just really love the stars, and, and I like to think about where they come from and why they're there, and to just think about life in general. And that night was the first time I really got to do that.
M: Good answer, Breeta. And we've reached the last question! Here it goes.
   You're getting ready for a night out. Where are you going? What do you wear? Who will you be with?
B: Sounds like fun! Welp, I'm not sure where I'd be going. Probably somewhere with the rest of the Learners and Brutan. I would definitely be be wearing something fancy. Probably my green, red, and brown dress. So, that was the last one?
M: *Nods* Yes, it was. Thank you for agreeing to do this, Breeta!
B: Oh, thank you for asking me! I had a TON of fun! And thank you, readers! *Waves to readers again* I hope to see you all again soon! Wamareck, everyone.
M: Wamareck, Breeta.

And thus our second week of character interviews is concluded. I hope you all enjoyed getting to know Breeta a little bit. Next week we have Loorarc, and after that there's only one more left!
   On that note: as I said last week, my family and I went on vacation to the Washington coast. And it was AMAZING. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I loved it. But I thought I would have a pretty good shot at it if I did another blog series on it. This series would include A BLESSED TON of pictures, some thoughts and words and humor, and EVEN MORE PICTURES. This is going to happen the week after my last character interview, and will take up a few weeks. I might do different posts in between (some of which might include a fanfic...?), but I might not. I'm just gonna kind of wing this one.
   But it is time for me to leave! Have a wonderful week, readers!



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