How are you all? I sincerely hope you are doing alright, as I do every week. Life can be tough sometimes, but just remember to keep your chin up and that God loves you all the time no matter what. That always makes me feel better and helps me move another step forward. :)
I have a couple more serious posts lined up, but I wanted to kind of relax from that for a week. If you follow me on Pinterest, you'll know my about my freaky obsession with Gravity Falls. I started watching it a couple months ago and guys. It is seriously, like, the greatest thing of all time ever. Go watch it. Now. And also, the finale AIRS ON MONDAY AND I DIE A LITTLE MORE INSIDE WHICH EACH MOMENT IT GETS CLOSER!!!!
Ahem. Yeah. I have a couple theories regarding some things that I have yet to see online, and I wanted to share them all before it gets too late.
This may get a little deep, so... *Cracks knuckles*
You better buckle up.
((Obvious spoiler alert, so if you haven't watched all of the episodes, leave now!!!))
1. The Glasses
On the Bill Cipher wheel, there are a bunch of symbols. We have Soos' question mark, the bag of ice that most-likely represents Wendy (though that is still up for debate), Stan's fez symbol, Dipper's pine tree, Gideon's star, the six-fingered hand for either the journals or Stanford, the lama that is now pretty much confirmed as being Pacifica, Mabel's shooting star, Robbie's broken heart and the glasses.
Now, a lot of people would say that the six-fingered hand represents the journals, and that the glasses represent Stanford. Which makes sense, right? But I have a counter-theory.

But think about this.
Stanford's six fingers have always been a prominent theme in the show, more prominent to his character than a pair of glasses. So for a moment, let's just hypothesize that the six fingered hand is Stanford's symbol instead of the glasses and that the journals don't have a place on the wheel.
So what about the glasses?
What if the glasses don't represent Stanford, but they specifically represent themselves, the pair that Stan found? What if they don't just belong to Stanford, but they were one of his experiments? What if they have some kind of special quality that is yet to be discovered? What if we're looking at this all wrong?
Hehheh, this theory is kind of crazy, I know. I was pretty excited when I thought of it, and what the heck, might as well share it even if it's totally off the mark.
2. Stanley and Stanford=Ducktective and his evil twin???
Okay, okay, guys. First off, this theory was actually thought up by my brother, so I must give him credit. But it is so cool, I had to share it with you all.
In S2E13, "Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons" there are multiple awesome things that happen that gave my brother the idea for this theory. So first off, we have these infamous lines:
Haha, parallels between Ducktective and the original Mystery Twins, funny stuff, great job, Alex.
But do you know what else this also means? Let me explain.
In the trailer for Weirdmaggedon part 3, we see a brief flash of what looks suspiciously like Ford making a deal with Bill, which is then followed by these little beauties:

Now let's backtrack. The reason Ducktective is in the hospital is because his evil twin brother shot him. Let's just say that Ford makes a deal with Bill and goes all crazy and power-hungry and whatever. It's already been established that Ford and Stanley aren't on the best of terms, and this whole Weirdmaggon fiasco probably hasn't helped that at all. If Ford sides with Bill, who knows what he might do to solidify their agreement. He might even shoot the brother that has done nothing but love and support him for their entire lives.
This happy little theory is further solidified by all of the hints of Stan dying we've gotten, along with the fact that Ford carries a gun, and that the Pines family is apparently going to have to make some kind of sacrifice.
So yeah. Thank my brother for that one.
3. Dipper's birthmark has more significance than we think
Alright, last theory. I know that this has been brought up before, but I still had to share it.
Dipper's birthmark has always been a pretty big thing in the show, though it's never really been that big. But I think it has more significance than is implied.
Dipper's birthmark is very obvious in that one scene in "Not What He Seems"...
And in this scene in "Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future"...
Along with a few others. You don't really see it unless it's an important moment like these ones. And Dipper has gone by this name for obviously a very long time. It's part of his identity, part of who he is. So...
I don't even have any thoughts on what it could be, I just had to share because I really want to know and sometimes it feels better if I scream about stuff to other people.
And that about wraps it up for this post.
I'm actually planning on cosplaying Mabel on Monday, even though I won't be able to watch the episode until Wednesday. I'll probably post pictures of that along with a review of the episode and the show in general in an extra post on Thursday, so stay tuned for that!
Have a great week everyone, and be sure to tell me your thoughts and theories on the upcoming episode and Gravity Falls in general in the comments!
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