Saturday, April 16, 2016

Yarn Stash Favorites

Heyloo, wonderful people!
   Here I am, kind of a bit late, BUT I HAVE AN EXCUSE!! I needed my camera for this post, but I kept draining the battery because I'm in the process of filming my art video for Monday, so I didn't have a chance to get pictures until tonight!! So there!
   Now before I get started, I have a few things to share with you...

   1. These pretty flowers

Aren't they pretty? They're sitting on my brand new and totally wonderful drawer set that makes me feel so organized, I can't even tell you. 
We went on a little fun adventure to one of our local parks to a.) get out of the house and b.) so I could pick these flowers. It ended up pouring on us after I had picked all of these and the brakes on my brother's bike also ended up breaking (or should I say BRAKEing, hehheh), and then we ended up going to Walmart and getting munchies for dinner (along with some watercolor paintbrushes and yarn for me) and also the movie In the Heart of the Sea. So, it was a pretty fun evening. :D 

   2. Update on my prayer request
So, the sweet girl from my church with cancer was supposed to have surgery today/yesterday/this last Friday to get rid of the cancerous lumps in her face. But due to some complications, they had to move the surgery to Monday. I'm not sure what those complications are, but I just wanted to share that with you all. Thank you so much to those of you who have been praying, and I will be sure to keep you updated. And also, I haven't shared her name with you all yet, because I'm not entirely sure if her parents are alright with that. So for now just keep praying for her anonymously! :D

   3. I'm applying for.... A JOB?!??!?!??!?
Guuuyyysssss, okay! So, aside from being an artist/writer my dream job is to be a librarian. And my local library is hiring!!! And I'm applying!!! And I've never had a job before so I am extremely nervous and also very excited?!?!!! So yeah! I'm planning on maybe taking in my application tomorrow, if my mom is willing to take me, heehee. I just wanted to share that with you all, because it will be a major-huge new and awesome step in my life and I'm pretty excited and very scared, but that's how I feel about most things in life, so it's pretty normal. :P

   4. New watercolor stuff!!
I got some Daler and Rowney watercolors, a Strathmore watercolor sketchbook, and some new paintbrushes and I am so excited!! I've really enjoyed doing watercolor, and this step-up has got me so pumped, I CAN'T EVEN TELL YOU!!

   But, how are you? Enjoying springtime? Getting outdoors and breathing in the fresh air? Or are you locked in your room whittling away at whatever it is you happen to be whittling away at? 
   I must admit, I'm actually a bit of both. I try to go outside in the evening and draw/crochet/read, but otherwise I mostly stay inside. I JUST REALLY MISS WINTER, OKAY??
   So yes. Here I am, inside, blogging. 
   This week I decided to delve into my yarn-y side a bit. As you probably know by now, I crochet  A LOT. I enjoy making things, making my own patterns, hoarding yarn, yadda-yadda, you've heard all of this before. I've done a few posts on some of my crochet patterns and such, but I've never actually spoken very much about my extensive yarn collection/hoarding issue. I seriously have tons of yarn that I always want to use but never do because I usually get stuck making the same things over and over again for orders. Not that I'm AT ALL complaining about said orders, but the yarn hoard beckons me constantly and I must constantly tell it to wait. I shall get to it one day!!
   For now, I thought I would share some of my favorites with you all and tell you what I would like to do with them. However, before I do that, I need to kind of explain to you how I have my yarn organized.

   I have two organize-y things and a basket. The organize-y thing on the left is an open metal rack that holds all of my blue and green yarn, because I have a TON of blue yarn and just enough room to put my green yarn there. The other organize-y thing is a drawer set that holds the rest of my yarn as follows: scrap yarn/felt/materiel in the two small top drawers, whites/grays/blacks/browns in the third drawer, pinks and purples in the fourth drawer, and yellows/oranges/reds on the bottom. And that basket just has a bunch of crochet-y junk. So basically, I will pretty much just be choosing yarn from each of those color choices from the drawers. I don't know if that makes sense, but hopefully the post kind of explains itself.

So here we go!

Favorite grey/black/white yarn

This right here. This multi-colored stuff is my favorite from the first drawer. It's quite soft and the colors are just so pretty and I just love it! There isn't much of it though, which is very sad. :( But I think that there should be enough to make some wristlets/fingerless gloves, and I also happen to think that would be the perfect match for this yarn. :)

Favorite Brown yarn

I included this one because I quite like it, even though it's technically from the same drawer as the above yarn. But it's this wooly, thin, gray-ish brown yarn (thus the reason for the question mark in the label) that I really love! Again, there isn't enough to make much out of it, but I'm thinking some kind of a beanie would be fun, even if I had to use more than one color to complete it. 

Favorite pink yarn

Another multi-color one!! This one has some browns and grays with the pink, and I love the color combination. I think it would make a nice cuddly scarf, even though (again) there isnt' really much of it. Maybe some cuddly pink and grey mittens instead?

Favorite purple yarn

Aggghhhh, this one!! It's this really lovely rich, satiny purple yarn that is so soft you guys. I mean, incredibly soft!! And it's just so lovely!!!!!! I think with this one I'd have to make some kind of a neckerchief/scarf. Once again, there isn't much of it so it'd have to be something pretty small.

Favorite red/orange/yellow yarn

I'm going to be honest and say that I'm not really sure if this yarn belongs in this section, because it pretty much has every color. But it's mainly yellow/orange, so we'll roll with it. So, I'd originally bought this yarn to make this TOTALLY ADORABLE CROCODILE STITCH BABY HOOD. I mean, so cute and fantastical, I had to make it. I keep thinking that I want to use it for something for me, but I think I'm going to stick with its original purpose. Because that hood is just too cute, dang it. 

Favorite green yarn

   I reeeaallllly love this one!! It's this pretty sport weight yarn, and I actually have enough to really make something with it I think! I'm leaning towards some kind of a hooded scarf kind of thing?? It's just the perfect color, and it's so soft too. :D 

Favorite blue yarn

   So first of all. Blue is my favorite color. I love it. It's gorgeous. And second, this picture does not do the yarn justice. It's this lovely mint/teal color that reminds me instantly of sea foam and the ocean and aaaggghhhh, I really love this yarn! And I'm not really sure what I want to do with it. I want to make something that reminds me of the ocean with it. Maybe I'll pair it with some white and gray and make a cardigan of some kind? I don't know. We shall see, one day. 

And we have finally reached the end of this unnecessarily long post! I hope you enjoyed reading my crazed ramblings and taking a peek into my yarn collection. I'd like to make a post on each of the things I end up making with this yarn, so keep an eye open for that. It probably won't happen for a good long while, but *shrugs*. Who knows? ;)

Have a wonderful week, and I'll see you next time!


P.S. Yup, I changed my blog background again. I think I'm content with this one, so it shouldn't change for awhile, hehheh. 

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