Saturday, June 18, 2016

Botanical Buddies

Hello dear readers. :)
   I hope you've had a wonderful week. I hope someone was kind to you, and that you were kind to someone else. I hope that you're enjoying your week and that you're looking forward to the next one and the exciting opportunities it will bring.
    This week I thought I'd blog about some of my "botanical buddies", as the title suggests. In the past few months, I've really gotten into houseplants. I feel like they can really brighten a space up, and there's just something about nurturing something and watching it grow that makes me feel so happy. But due to my current living situation, I didn't really know how a houseplant would fare. And by current living situation, I mean I live in my parent's basement and I have a itty-bitty teeny-tiny window that doesn't even provide enough sunlight to keep my whole room lit.
   But my grandma was moving from her old house and wanted to get rid of (what I believe, though I'm not sure. I'm not a plant specialist, okay?) is a ficus plant. So I accepted it. And took the plunge.
   Sounds dramatic, but it really just means that I bought some plants.

Aren't they purty? 

So let's talk about these little guys. Remember that post I did awhile back about flowers and playing in the rain and coffee? The one where I showed you my one teeny-tiny shamrock growing?? Remember that one??? Well, this is how they're doing! I'm actually really surprised and quite impressed that they're doing this well with me as a caretaker. :P

And here we have the succulent from WalMart that has no name. Seriously, I have no idea what kind of succulent this is. It had no label or anything. But it's doing great, so... *shrugs*. I really love this one, though. It such pretty. If you any of you all know what this is, feel free to let me know.

Hello, my supposed-ficus.  Is this a ficus?? I don't know. It's not really vine-y, soooo.... I have no idea. Again, if you know, let me know! Please. :)

Oh, dis one is maybe my best plant fren. It sits by my desk and keeps me company, It's so pretty and it's growing well, in spite of the nearly complete lack of sunshine it receives this far from my tiny window. I believe it's a pink vein fittonia. And I. Love. It. 

And finally, a bit of an extra. I picked some sweet pea flowers the other day, so they're also keeping me company. They are also very pretty. :)

That is the extent of my collection at the moment. I have some supplies that I want to use to make a moss terrarium, but I have no clue how to make one of those. One day soon that will happen.
   Hope you enjoyed this post. Do you have any plants? Do you also live in the basement? Do you have any tips for growing moss terrariums? What the heck are all of these plants called? Feel free to comment and share your advice/knowledge. Thanks for reading, my frens. See you next time.



  1. Not a ficus, thinks it's called pathos, or devil's ivy:)

  2. Not a ficus, thinks it's called pathos, or devil's ivy:)

  3. Oh that's crazy; I live in the basement and only have one window too!!! :D Your plant frens are lovely; there's something so fulfilling in watching the plants you nurture thrive. :)

    1. Haha, that's awesome!!! And yes, there absolutely is. :)

  4. Aww, what lovely plant frens! :3 I have a teeny tiny succulent that is currently "propagating". It's a cutting from my grandma's succulent plant. I used to live in my parent's basement, but now I live upstairs because my sister kindly decided to switch room with me. I honestly had more windows in the basement though, haha. I love succulents and cactuses as houseplants in my room since they don't make my allergies act up as much as flowers and such. Btw, your blog is quite lovely! I'm glad I found it! :)

    1. Oh, that's so cool! Man, I wish I had more windows! It would make life a lot easier, haha. Cactus and succulents are so lovely, they're a pretty good substitute for flowers I bet. And thank you so much!!!
