Friday, July 8, 2016

Into the Woods

Hello, my dear friends. :)
  I hope you all had a wonderful Independence Day. Whilst you were having fun lighting off fireworks and barbecuing hamburgers, I hope you took some time to think about our country. I hope you took some time to think about how great it is, but to also think about how deeply in need we are. Most importantly, I hope you took some time to pray. Because oh my, do we need it, as I'm sure you are aware.
Our camp from a distance
   What did you do to celebrate the holiday? This year, my family and I decided to take a camping trip up a river not too far from where we live. We decided to go the week before the 4th, so that we could avoid the crazy holiday traffic. Which was both a good and bad idea. 
   It was good because it worked. 
   It was bad because it was so. Stinking. Hot. 

I wasn't too overjoyed at the prospect of camping, I must admit. I like to get outdoors and go up in the mountains, and I like the concept of camping out in the woods, sleeping under the stars, etc. But it's everything else that deters me. Everything else, as in, I hate not having my own space/room to sleep in. I don't know, there's just something about sharing my sleeping space with someone else that really freaks me out? Is that just me? I also enjoy being clean, and when you're out in the woods for a week with no running water available.... I'm sure you can put the pieces together. Not to mention there's the constant thoughts going through my mind of everything that could go wrong and how far away from civilization we are which also means that we are far away from a hospital if something were to happen, yadda yadda ya, you get the point. 

   But there are a few things I do like about camping. One of which is that it forces me to actually go outside and enjoy some of God's beautiful creation. I love being able to go and breathe some fresh air, open up my mind a bit. I love being able to spend some time with my family, making new memories, creating new inside jokes. (*Fondly remembers a certain "passing babies" joke that will always make me laugh*). I love being able to set aside some time to draw and read a LOT. I like to take pretty pictures, I like to take walks, I like to relax, I love to look at the shining beauty of the stars at night. So yes, there are plenty of things about camping that I do enjoy.  

I was hoping to get a lot more work done on this camping trip than I did. But, as previously mentioned, it was just too dang hot. The thought of picking up my yarn and actually making something was too much for my poor sun-baked brain to handle. So instead I drew a lot...

Although, I didn't draw quite as much as I would have liked. Though I always feel like I could do more, so that isn't anything new.


I took plenty of pictures too. I really liked the one directly below of the sun and the river and the trees. It was so pretty, and I'm glad I could capture it.


I also drank an unholy amount of coffee, but again, nothing new there, since I do that on a very regular basis.

Due to the warm weather, I did a lot of swimming. Well, I mostly put my feet in the water a lot and read, but it was still nice.

This is a terrible picture, but there were a ton of animals that came down by our camp to get water. There was one night where a herd of about 13 elk with little tiny babies came down in the meadow. I got it on film, so that was neat. :)

I did a lot of thinking and writing on this trip too. Which, yet again, isn't anything new for me, but getting out in the woods away from everything can be a good way to sort through some stuff. Which is why I think this picture to the left might be one of my favorites. Last year in the area we were at, there were some pretty big wildfires. Nothing to damage the woods too severely, just enough so that you could actually see three feet in front of you in the trees, haha. We were camped really close to the river, but about 200 yards or so away from our camp were two big trees that provided some shade in an otherwise shade-less meadow. I went over there a few times, and was met with this view. Now, I'm the kind of person that will find analogy and symbolism in everything. Don't question my abilities, because I genuinely can and do. And the instant I saw this, it got me thinking. Isn't life a lot like this? Part of it can be beautiful and full of like, flourishing and happy. And the other part can be dead and twisted, burnt and broken. When you look at them separately, one is obviously more desirable than the other. But together, it creates a contrast that is startlingly beautiful, something that you wouldn't have if you took either side away. Both parts of life are there for a reason. Sometimes we just need to take a step back and realize that the dark parts make everything a little more beautiful.

So yes. I hope you enjoyed that bit of analyzing of the day and this blog post. Do any of you have a love/hate relationship with camping like I do? I'll be back next week (hopefully) with another blog post, so see you then.

Have a wonderful week, dear readers.


  1. *Thou shalt not covet*
    *thou shalt not covet*
    *thou shalt not covet*

    Haha! Kidding. But seriously, I would have loved to go with you on that trip. Sounds like you had a great time! Congratulations on getting any art done out there though... it's tough to draw in the wilderness.

    I love your analogy about the burned trees and flourishing landscape. :)

  2. I have to agree with you about camping. I love being out, surrounded by nature, but at the same time I love being clean and having my nice, quiet alone time!
